{4} Our "Secret"

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Chapter 4: Our "Secret"

Chapter Song: I Melt With You by Modern English

Chapter Song: I Melt With You by Modern English

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I cautiously stepped onto the fire escape. For some reason, I felt like I couldn't be seen by them. I connected my phone and began to blast my favorite song. I hummed along and began to dance to the music. I soon burst out into full singing, belting the lyrics and laughing at my own stupidity. I forgot all about Spider-Man. I then put on a playlist of some of my favorite bops and sat back down. I smiled and propped my feet up, tapping my foot and continuing singing. 

"Peter! Get back in here!" someone yelled from next door. I quickly shut off my music and whipped my head around. In the same window, I saw Spider-man fly into, I saw Peter. Holy shit Peter was friends with Spider-Man! 

I extended my hand. "Hi, Peter! I didn't know you lived here!" I also didn't know if it was a common thing for him to stare at people out of the window. 

Peter chuckled. "Yeah, I do. Do you live here?" Peter had his hands on the windowsill, leaning forwards to talk to me. Damn, he was so cute. I giggled a little at his pose.

"Yep, just moved in. Did you finish your homework? I hear Forest Hills has some pretty intense academic learning styles." 

"Forest Hills?" Asked a voice from inside, "That place is full of blue-blood pricks." Peter whipped his head around with a death stare and awkwardly chuckled back at me. 

"Yes, Forest Hills. So, so much work. But its all done! Definitely." Peter laughed through gritted teeth.

"Well, we should totally hang out sometime. Maybe we can walk to school together?" I decided to take my chances and ask him. The worst that could happen would be that he rejected me, right? 

"Oh yeah for sure." Peter nodded.

"Ok well, you can get back to hanging out with your... friends." I winked in reference to Spider-Man and left. How did I get this lucky to have such a cute boy who was friends with a superhero live next to me?


I looked around briefly before I flung into the window where Ned was waiting for me. I changed quickly and stuck my head out of the window to see who was blasting music. It was Y/N, sitting on the fire escape humming along to her music and watching the cars pass by. She was so pretty. I leaned out of the window so I could see more of her. 

"Peter! Get back in here!" Ned pulled at my shirt but let go when I stepped on his foot. But it was too late, Y/N had heard us. She shut off her music and was staring at me. 

"Hi, Peter! I didn't know you lived here!"  Y/N was waving and smiling. I stared at her a bit longer until I realized I had to answer her. 

"Oh, uh, yeah, I do. Do you live here? The question was redundant, but she giggled when I said it so all seemed well. 

"Yep, just moved in. Did you finish your homework? I hear Forest Hills has some pretty intense academic learning styles."  Damn Forest Hills. Forest Hills was a school down the road from Midtown. It was super prestigious but full of dumbasses. I was still kind of upset that Y/N was going to Midtown and hadn't noticed me, so when she asked I came up with a fast lie. I'd been regretting it since, and right now was definitely not an exception.

But of course, Ned hadn't been told about this, so he just had to speak up. "Forest Hills? That place is full of blue-blood pricks." I quickly turned around and glared at Ned. He nodded and went back to his phone.

I forced a smile in my annoyance at my lie. "Yes, Forest Hills. So, so much work. But its all done! Definitely." I tried to laugh just to sell it a bit more.

"Well, we should totally hang out sometime. Maybe we can walk to school together?"  School? Really? God, I'm definitely gonna have to own up to this lie sometime soon. I have no idea on how to even start that. But I would really like to hang out with her.

I decided to once again, dodge my lie, "Oh yeah for sure." I nodded and smiled. I was gonna go out with YN! And I didn't even have to ask her!

"Ok well, you can get back to hanging out with your... friends." Y/N winked and disappeared back into her apartment. Friends? Had she seen Ned? I shook off the thought and turned back to Ned. 

"So? How's it going with Y/N?" Ned leaned back and forth on his toes like a child as he asked. 

"Ugh, I don't know, I mean she's got a boyfriend and I've been lying to her to avoid her, I don't know, it's just awkward." 

"Oh, so that's what Forest Hills was about." Ned nodded.

"Yeah, but I did save her today. Well, I think I did. Remember Angus Lester who ran around robbing small shops last year? Well he's back and he was running away from a crime scene where I was chasing him but he almost ran into Y/N. I jumped behind her and pulled her back and I even put my arm around her waist. But thinking back now I kind of feel bad because maybe she wasn't comfortable and I should've asked her if she was ok with it." I mentally scolded myself for a second. "Then she dropped her phone and broke the case and I had to go but she was just so cute. Like she was all stuttery and what not, and I just wonder, how does someone that adorable and perfect exist?" I turned to Ned with a wide smile. Every time I thought of Y/N my heart rate sped up. I was so smitten.

"Peter, aren't you jumping the gun a little bit here? I mean, you met this girl yesterday and you're already talking like you're in love with her. Don't forget, she does have a boyfriend." 

"I know, but I mean, maybe, I could just like, or we could do, or... I don't know but she's just so great and I'm just so happy that she exists. Like her existence makes me happy, you know?" I rambled on and fumbled with my words until I was able to express how I felt. There had to be some way to get over this boyfriend issue. Right?

"Well Peter, she knows Spidey now right?"

"Yeah, I guess she does." I know I didn't want to get Spider-Man involved, but he already kind of was at this point. 

"And you said her phone case broke, so obviously she needs a new one. Just grab one at a corner store, knock on her window, have Spidey hand deliver it, and she'll be smitten. Just slip in something about Peter while you're talking to her," Ned smirked at his idea, proud to be helping.

"Honestly Ned, I don't hate that idea. Let's do it!" I was beaming with excitement. I was really gonna get Y/N!


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