{5} Mystery Note

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Chapter 5: Mystery Note

Chapter Song: Lovefool by The Cardigans

Chapter Song: Lovefool  by The Cardigans

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After Ned left, I called Aunt May to let her know things were going well. She said she was glad to hear it and that she'd be back in five days. When I got off of the phone, I couldn't help but look out the window. I imagined Y/N standing there on the decorated fire escape, smiling at me again. How did I fall this fast? At just the thought of her, my heart rate skyrocketed. With the energy from Y/N flowing through me, I practically sprinted out of the apartment. I was just about to open the door to a shop when I got a call from Mr. Stark.

"Parker, we need to talk." Mr. Stark's voice was stern and I was a little afraid of what was coming next.

"Ok, Mr. Stark. What's the issue?" I rolled over to the side of the building, my back against the store's front.

"You can't go around doing cop's jobs. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man remember? Not wannabe cop Spider-Man. Got it?" He was speaking in a terrifyingly calm voice, with just a hint of anger.

"Yes Mr. Stark, but I did help them. The guys thanked me after I tailed Angus Lester." It was true, too. After I tripped Lester with some webs, the cops finally caught up and were super nice.

"That's not your job! Just do what you're told, Parker." Mr. Stark had raised his voice now, and I really hated it when he got mad at me. I guess it would just be better to listen to him right now.

"Ok, Mr. Stark. Also, I had a question for you. You're a ladies man- Right?" Maybe he could help me out with Y/N.

"Well obviously. Who even gave you the impression that I wasn't? Women love me," Mr. Stark paused and I could hear a faint voice in the back, when he returned, he sounded kind of annoyed "Well yes obviously I only love Pepper, but anyway Parker, why do you care about my luck with the ladies?"

"I just wanted to know what to get a girl, as like a gift."

Mr. Stark paused for a minute, "A ring, definitely a ring, women love that stuff. Just make sure she knows you aren't proposing." Mr. Stark chucked.

"Alright thank you so much, Mr. Stark."

"Anytime kid, and I'm serious, let the cops do their job," I said ok and hung up. A phone case and a ring. Y/N would like that right? Let's hope so.

I entered the store and began walking down the aisles. Being so smitten was fun. The feeling that I got from talking to Y/N made me want to smile all day. When reached the phone case aisle, I bought a plain white one and ran to a small jewelry section. The selection wasn't that large but it was the thought that counted. I picked out a small wave ring because when I stalked Y/N's socials with Ned this afternoon, I found out she lived on the coast before coming to New York. I bought one more item, a small brown box. I left the store quickly and ran back to the apartment. I put in my headphones and danced along to the music rushing through them. I unpackaged everything and put it in the box. I was debating giving her the gift in person or leaving it stuck to her window. Or why not both? I quickly stripped and jumped into my suit. I scribbled 'Roof in 10' on a sticky note with a spider in the corner and grabbed the box. I peeked out of the window and jumped out. I shot a web to what seemed like Y/N's window and tried to look inside. The window was partially open and the voice I'd been thinking about all day drifted through the glass riding on the cool air.

"Amber no fucking way!" Y/N laughed into her computer, on FaceTime with some popular girl.

"No, I swear he was so into you! He like never makes an effort like that!" The girl on the screen seemed to be named Amber, who I think I had Pre-Calc with.

"Oh, a bare minimum kind of guy? Great to know." The two girls continued to giggle as jealousy bubbled inside of me. Y/N was supposed to be into me! I pasted the note on her window, tapped the glass and quickly flung up to the roof. I let the rage fill inside of me while I waited for her. I knew it was irrational, but I couldn't help it.


Since there wasn't much to do after I talked to Peter, I decided to try and grow my friendship with the cheerleader, Amber. She seemed pretty nice so what could go wrong? We talked for about an hour and eventually cycled onto the topic of Chase Evans, the boy who approached me this morning at school. Amber insisted that he was checking me out, to which I denied. Not to lie, the idea did excite me, but all I really wanted to think about was cute little scenarios between me and Peter. The endorphins were rushing through my brain, and I couldn't stop thinking about how cute he was. And his adorable little smile or the way he leaned out of the window just a little bit more than one probably should, or how he stumbled across his words when he got nervous. Amber continued to talk when I thought I heard a pebble hit the window or something.

"Hold tight, something just hit my window or something. I'll be right back." Amber nodded and began to scroll through apps on her phone. I walked over to the window to see a yellow square. "Aight I got to go but I'll see you at school tomorrow." I walked back over to Amber and hung up, before running back to the window. A small sticky note was pasted onto the glass. I opened the window wider and peeled the note off of the other side. 'Roof in 10' What did that mean? I studied the note a bit more to see a small dot with lines coming out of it in the corner. How did somebody even manage to reach my window? I guess I'd have to go to the roof to find out. Fingers crossed I wouldn't die on the way there.

A/N Guys I'm actually starting to love this story and I think I might start writing a Tom Holland story to mirror this story. Maybe?? Idk broskies

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