{7} Revealed

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Chapter 7: Revealed

Chapter Song: Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

Chapter Song: Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

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After Mom had gotten home last night, we got into another small argument. After I told her I was starting cheer again, she made some comment about how I'd need to lose some more weight for that. I was so sick of her treating me like that. Anyway, we went to our separate rooms and now things were awkward. She shot me a glare as I reached for a granola bar for breakfast. We usually would just ignore the fact we even got in a fight and would go about our day. I smiled at her as I went back to my room. I packed up my backpack again, changed out of my pajamas, quickly did my hair and makeup, and ran out of the house. 

"By Mom!" I waved to her as I shut the door behind me, only to see Peter doing the same. I stared at him until he turned towards me. I looked down then up again, locking eyes with Peter. A sort of goofy smile spread across his face. "Hey, Peter! Off to Forest Hills?" His eyes fell. 

"Actually, I don't-," He paused, shook his head and looked up at me, "Yeah, definitely." We exchanged smiles as Peter detached himself from the door. We walked down the hall to the elevator silently and stayed that way until we reached the door out of the building. We walked all the way to school, talking about anything and everything. His Aunt May, my life before New York, how crazy it was that we lived so close to each other, and everything else, we even exchanged numbers. As we passed the second to last turn to school, we got onto the topic of jobs.

"Yeah, I used to spend about half my summer working, it was fun and all but I wouldn't do it again." 

"Really? I have an, um, an internship that I love. It's always fun. And I get to work with Tony Stark, so that's a plus." Peter was smiling talking about his internship, and I could tell he was really passionate about it. It was always so cute to see people talk about things they loved. "I've gotten to meet some really great people through it."

"Tony Stark? That's insane! He was legit my hero last year. I had a poster of him and the rest of the Avengers in my room! My boyfriend and I were obsessed." I smiled at Peter, who looked at me in a kind of sad way. "Shit. Did I say boyfriend? I meant ex. We just broke up and it still kind of feels weird." Peter nodded, head down so I couldn't see his face. 

"Sorry to hear it." His words were muffled and his head was still down.

"It's alright. I think I've moved on. I met a new cute guy, so that's good." I smiled to myself, thinking about Spider-Man. I was falling hard and felt absolutely crazy about it. I mean, I wasn't supposed to be falling this hard for a guy I just met.

"Oh, really?" Peter didn't move his head as he watched the ground. 

"Yeah," I sighed, I knew I couldn't tell Peter, even though I was pretty sure Peter knew Spider-Man, "But I can't tell you. Not right now at least. Maybe if we ever become official, but I don't know."

"Oh, that's ok. Do you think he's into you?" 

"I'd like to think so, I only met him on Monday. He seems really thoughtful though, and caring, and brave. And he's so sweet." I smiled and looked at Peter, who was focusing harder and harder on the ground. "But anyway, do you have a girlfriend?" I tried to lighten the mood, hoping not to scare Peter. 

Peter finally looked up at me, but only for a few seconds before darting his eyes back to the ground and stiffly shaking his head. "No." I moved my body closer to Peter's and slightly nudged him. 

"You excited for school?" I asked and smiled when he looked up at me again. Peter gave me a small smile.

"Yeah, super." We held eye contact for a few more seconds before he broke away. I couldn't help but stare at him. God, he was great. 

Without thinking, I blurted out, "Peter I think you're my best friend here. I don't know a lot of people, but so far, you're the second best person here." I smiled again and stopped. "I wish you went to Midtown with me."

"I do."

"You do what?" Peter had merely whispered his words, and I took a few seconds to process what he had said. 

"I go to Midtown."

"Midtown? What about Forest Hills?"

"I don't go there, I never have."

"So, you lied to me?" I was sort of shocked. I mean why would he lie about something like that? It didn't make any sense. "Why, Peter?"

"You hadn't noticed me yet and I didn't want to seem creepy." His chin was glued to his chest.

"So you just said you went to some other school?" He nodded. I was kind of pissed. It was just so stupid. He was about to speak again when we reached Midtown. "Well Peter, your school awaits." I gestured to the school and looked at him for a few seconds. I could barely see a thing besides a drop of water hit the pavement. Was he actually crying? Everything in me screamed out to just get over myself and hug him, tell him I was sorry for being snarky. But I couldn't, so I left him there and ran into the school. The rest of the day was a blur. I was uncontrollably fidgety, playing with the wave ring and tapping my feet. I had to move to forget. When it came time for lunch, I practically clung to Amber trying to avoid Peter. I just wish he hadn't lied to me. 

Hopefully, soon I'd see Spider-Man again and I would be able to talk to him. God, was it crazy to say I missed Spider-man? 


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