{9} I'm Sorry

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Chapter 9: I'm Sorry

Chapter Song: Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede

Chapter Song: Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede

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The door of my room flung open just as I sealed the envelope on the letter I wrote to Peter. It had been an hour and a half since Spider-Man left, and I felt hopeful again. It was crazy to think that all of this drama had gone down in just three days. Hopefully, the rest of the year wouldn't be as hectic.

"Hi honey, have you had dinner yet?" My mother stepped into my room and looked around, putting on a face that was far from the sweet tone in her voice.

"No, it's only 6:15, plus I was waiting for you." I got up from my desk with the letter in my hand. All I wanted to do tonight was to rest and plan out what I would say to Peter tomorrow, but if I had to get in a fight with my mom, I'd do it standing up.

"Well, I already ate, so don't worry about me," She looked around again, and I silently prayed that she'd just leave. Maybe we wouldn't have to fight. But that was unlikely, Mom loved to pick fights. I think she only really liked it because she liked winning and I'm too afraid to talk back to her. "Clean this place up, too. Your hygiene habits are disgusting." I nodded and looked around at my room. It was pretty clean, I had barely any idea what she was talking about. "I mean, are those tissues? On the floor? That's so gross! Also, I don't care if you went to bed early or whatever last night, you should have showered, so you'd better be planning on doing that tonight."

"I was tired Mom, I didn't not shower on purpose." I moved the letter around in my hand, I always got super anxious when Mom and I fought. She loved to just wail on me and start yelling at the smallest things. I think she was part of the reason I leaned on Oli so much, I wanted the unwavering affection that I didn't get from her. It's probably also why I was so shaken up about this whole Peter situation. I fought enough with my Mom, I hated fighting with my friends too.

"Woah! I don't know what's gotten into you here, but I don't like this bitchy new attitude! Your habits are literally disgusting! So don't argue about that with me. Jesus, I ought to send you to a therapist to talk about your unnatural habits." She had gone from the loud voice she was speaking in, to full-on yelling and had this disgusted look on her face, obviously at me. Before I could say another word, she stormed out of my room and slammed the door of her own room. 

I ran to the kitchen, trying to forget about my mom. Searching the almost empty fridge, I realized my only option looked like bread. I grabbed a few slices and looked at the door. I thought about the letter resting in my left hand.

Without another thought, I was out of my door and parked in front of Peter's. The letter became heavy in my hand and I ran through what I had written in my head. Letting out a quick sigh, I shoved the large envelope under his door and knocked twice before running back to my room. My pulse became a loud thumping throughout my whole body, my head pounding and my heart racing. I was filled with adrenaline and excitement. Would Peter get the letter? Would he forgive me? Was he reading it now? Filled with anticipation, I began to try and get ready for bed. 


I kissed Y/N. I couldn't believe it. None of it felt real. As I swung out of sight from her window, I couldn't stop smiling. Nothing felt the same. I ran around the city as much as I could, helping people and trying to make the rest of Queens as happy as I was. At the beginning of sunset, I began to head home. Pulling out my phone, I rang up Ned.

"Ned! You won't believe what just happened!"

"What, Peter?" Ned's tone was dry, and he sounded bored.

"I just kissed Y/N! Your plan worked! You are an absolute genius, man!" I was almost yelling into the phone because I was so excited. 

"That's great, Peter," Ned replied in the same dry voice.

"Ned, what's wrong?"

"You're replacing me with a stupid girl you met three days ago who, may I remind you, is pissed off at you! I'm supposed to be your best friend! Not dumb Y/N." Now it was Ned's turn to yell, and I knew I had to fix this.

"No! I'm not replacing you. You're my best friend! I just like Y/N. And yeah, I like her a lot. But that  doesn't mean that you're not important to me!" 

"You serious?"

"Yeah, Ned. I'm serious." 

"Ok," Ned paused and I could hear him exhale. If I thought hard enough, I could picture him smiling as he did it. "Anway, tell me all about your kiss with Y/N!" 

"Oh Ned, it was perfect! I went to check on her just like you said and she hugged me and told me all about how she was sad that I lied but also wanted to make up with me. She even told me to go tell Peter that she was sorry and that she was gonna write him a letter. Then as I was about to leave, she asked if she could roll up my mask. I had literally no idea why but I let her and she did and she just kissed me! It was barely two seconds but she was smiling so wide and I was too. God, she's so beautiful. Well, then she kind of kicked me out because her mom was coming but Ned! I kissed her! It was the best moment of my life. It still doesn't feel real to say that I just kissed the girl I'm in love with."

"Peter, did you just say what I thought you did?"

"Yeah, I guess I did. But why not own how I feel while I still feel it?"

"Love is a serious word, Peter. Be careful where you throw it around. But also! I'm so proud of you!" 

"Thanks, bro. You're the best."

"No problem, Spidey." 

I hung up just as I shot a web right below my window and climbed in. It was about 6:00 as I took off the mask and suit. I changed into an old sweatshirt and sweatpants and decided to give myself some time to relax. But then I heard yelling. It was indistinct, but it was loud. The noise was unfamiliar until Y/N's calm voice seemed to pierce through the screams. I wished I could make out what they were saying, but I gave up, consumed in fear for Y/N. I hoped she was ok. The day we walked to school together, she mentioned she and her mom fought a lot. Maybe this was like that. When the yelling stopped, all I wanted to do was to grab my phone and text Y/N to see if she was alright. But I couldn't. Instead, I trudged to the kitchen, worried about a girl I met just days ago. That was until I heard a shy knock on my door and saw a large with envelope slide under the door with my name in small letters plastered on top. This must have been what Y/N was talking about. A smiled pulling at the ends of my lips once again, I reached for the letter and began to open it.

A/N two chapters in like a day??? who is this new thot?? hey! it's me! also PSA this next chapter may take a while because I want to make it absolutely perfect!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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