{8} A Fix and A Storm

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Chapter 8: A Fix and A Storm

Chapter Song: The Longest Time by Billy Joel

Chapter Song: The Longest Time by Billy Joel

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I stood in front of Midtown, tears crawling down my face. Pull yourself together Peter! You've known her for three days! I yelled at myself in my head. Why did I even tell her? Why did I even lie?  I wiped my face and ran into the school. Finding my locker, I grabbed my books and located Ned.

"Hey, Peter!" Ned smiled, "Why do you look so upset?" I looked Ned in the eyes.

"I screwed up, man, I really screwed up." Ned looked at me questioningly. "Y/N told me I was her best friend and I told her how I lied about Forest Hills. She was so upset, she couldn't even look at me. God, Ned! I'm so stupid! I fell for her too fast and I lied and I just screwed shit up!" Tears began welling up again and I was breathing heavily. Why was I this crazy about a girl I just met? 

Ned reached out and patted my shoulder, "Hey, it's only the third day you've known her and the second day of school, a lot can change." I nodded and wiped my face. "But also, best friend? I'm pretty sure that's my job."

"Yeah, you're right about school," I smiled, "but she can be my best friend too."

"Yeah, after three effing days," Ned mumbled under his breath.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. Hey, you said she liked you-know-who though, right?" Ned perked up as he spoke, I got the feeling that he loved coming up with ideas and scheming Spider-Man things. I nodded. Ned smiled and continued, "Maybe have him visit her, see how she feels about you and convince her otherwise."

It actually wasn't a bad idea, I just hoped Y/N wouldn't hate Spider-Man too. "You're the best Ned."

"I know." He laughed and stuck his hand out "Bring it in, bro." We did our handshake as the bell rung for first period. Today I had Science and English with Y/N, hopefully, I could get on her good side then. 


All day I cursed myself for liking Y/N as much as I did. I felt like I was in one of those cheesy romance movie May made me watch with her. They were a guilty pleasure of mine, but still totally fake. Every time I saw Y/N I stared at her hopelessly in an attempt to make eye contact but nothing was working. I just didn't understand why I liked her so much. I felt endorphins rush to my brain every time I even thought about her. I felt absolutely crazy. Ned tried to get my mind off of what happened earlier, but I couldn't stop replaying what had happened in my head. In Science and English, I only took my eyes off her once or twice to write down something important or to bend down and make more web solution. Whatever she was doing, she was either hyper-focused on it or super distracted. I don't know if I've ever seen somebody so focused on note-taking. She fidgeted a lot, but I noticed that sometimes she plays with the ring I gave her. Every time I saw her twirl the band around her finger or trace the small wave, a little smiled found its way onto my face.

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