{17} Fix Me like I was Never Broken

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Chapter Title: Fix Me like I was Never Broken

Chapter Song: Paris in the Rain by Lauv

Chapter Song: Paris in the Rain by Lauv

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My head was starting to feel better as I stared up at the clouds passing over Queens. When the clouds disappeared, I kept my eyes glued to the bright blue sky, too afraid to even accidentally look over the edge of the building for fear of seeing my mom. And with the loss of one pain came the gain of another. My stomach churned and I was sure I'd throw up if I moved from where I laid. So I stayed there not checking, wondering, or caring about the time. I began to hum a song from the night before that had stayed plastered to my head even through the drunkenness.  As more clouds passed by, a frigid wind came along with them. I shivered a bit and brought my hands up to my arms. That's when I really noticed it. I was wearing a large shirt of Peter's. I'd never seen him wear it before, probably because it was huge on me and most likely huge on him, too. I wondered if Pete had changed me last night or if I had done it myself. I wasn't sure how I felt about him seeing me naked, but I still had my bra and underwear on, and I knew Pete wouldn't do something bad to me, but I'm sure I did it myself. My makeup was off too, and my hair was in a bun? Had Peter done all of this?

 I shut my eyes, frustratedly trying to figure out my feelings for him. I had so much love for him as a friend, but could I channel that into romance? And what did this say about how I felt for Spider-Man. Sure, I loved S and we went around New York together and made out and watched sunsets, but Peter and I got lunch together and did homework on the floor beside one another, and snuck up on one another in the halls. I'd never been more in love with two people. My dad used to always tell me, 

If you're in love with two different people, choose the second because you would have never fallen for them if you loved the first person. 

But who was first? Technically, I met Peter first and had a small crush on him, but then I met Spider-Man, and I fell in love with him, and then I began to feel like maybe I loved Peter. I don't know if I've ever felt so lost. I loved them both because they were so similar. But the small differences made me love each of them more. Like I found S's confidence hot but I also found Peter's awkwardness adorable. It was like choosing between the middle or the end of the bread. It's the same bread, it's just a different experience depending on what you choose if you know what I mean. 

And yet as if on cue, I heard footsteps and a red figure appeared. I looked up and motioned for S to lay next to me.

"Hey, baby." I let out in a small voice and before S could respond I exhaled and prepared myself for what I was going to say. "I cheated on you. And I don't think we can be together anymore." I rolled over, facing my back to Spider-Man as tears began to fall from my eyes. 

"What- you, you want to break up? We can fix this Y/N. It's ok. I-I'm not mad. Just don't break up with me." S's voice began to shake and I knew he had sat up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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