Forget him (part3)

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Tal's POV

I'm worried about Anthony, he hasn't been out of that room since I last saw him. But I can't get inside to see if he's okay from the thing last night, the door is locked, I don't wanna risk knocking because I don't want to get Anthony into more trouble with Adi, he might do something and I really hate that I can't do anything to protect Anthony. I hope he comes down to the kitchen for breakfast... speaking of breakfast I should make some... I walk to the kitchen...I hear someone whistling a random song, I turn and see Adi making something, he looks at me then looks away.

Tal: hey, you're hungry?"

Adi: uh... yeah I made Anthony something to eat and I got myself some cereal."

Tal: oh... I guess I'll make something for me"

Adi: bro I'm sorry I just ... kinda thought that Anthony and I could have a nice meal together... as a couple you know cuz that's what couples do"

Tal: yeah, you guys are pretty cute together... don't worry I don't mind... I know you two need some space for yourselves"

Adi: thanks for your honesty bro ... anyway you know how I'm not much of a cook right?"

Tal: did you try to put tin foil in the microwave again?"

Adi: no dude I'm not that stupid, this time I actually surprised myself I never thought I had it in me, just look at this... doesn't it look good."

(What do you think, looks pretty fine am I right?😂 By the way I didn't make this so

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(What do you think, looks pretty fine am I right?😂 By the way I didn't make this so... idk oh well I guess)

Oh geez wtf is that thing?

Tal: oh my god dude it looks so delicious I'm sure Anthony is going to love it"

Adi: I hope he does but...what if he loses interest in me and dumps me for this fool's appetizing face"

We both start cracking up, I wish we could have more time to hangout as bros instead of yelling at each other and arguing. I hate that... but I also hate when he yells at Anthony, because I know he won't defend himself and he'll end up getting pushed around.

Adi: well thanks bro gotta go"
Tal: okay see you later"

I watch as he carefully speed walks upstairs with his wonderful creation in his arms...Soon to be delivered to his sweetheart... that is unfortunately mine as well. Sadly I when I knew I had feelings for him it was far to late because he made his choice. I don't think I've ever felt so alone I felt rejected even tho I never told him how I feel toward him in the first place. I know it's really stupid for me to be mad, but I can't help it...,

Adi's POV

I can't wait for Anthony to wake up I wanna see the look on his face I want him to know how much I care. I place his breakfast on the nightstand next to him, put my face near his I whisper...

Adi: Anthony"

He moves his face and gives me a kiss on the check

Anthony: good morning"

Aww his voice is still a bit cranky

Adi: are you hungry?"

Anthony: hell yeah I didn't have dinner last night."

Adi: well that's great cuz I made you breakfast!"

I grabbed the plate of deliciousness, and placed it in his hands

Anthony: oh my god Adi you made this for me with your...own hands?"

Adi: well of course... I didn't order it on amazon"

He looks at me kinda annoyed with what said... I find it really cute when he does that.

Adi: I made it because I want us to have a good day, almost like the beginning of our relationship... what we were"

Anthony gave me a warm sincere smile, I leaned in and kissed his forehead I pull away and looked him in the eyes.

Adi: what do you think?"

Anthony: well I'm sure we can try right?"

Adi: I'm willing to try anything, if it's for you... or in this case us"

Thanks for reading, I hope you're having a great time ( doing whatever ) this is like part 2 or something I actually don't know.

the ending is weird I watched infinity war (AWESOME MOVIE BTW) anyway if you're still reading ily 😘 bye

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