Bromance 5

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Adi's POV

The rest of the school day went by pretty quick, I go on  the last trip to my locker. I  love spending time with my friends. They make me feel whole. We had a nice talk even tho Nick didn't show up. But you know what it's fine he doesn't have to care I'm okay without him because I'll get over him one way or another...

I find my locker but once again I'm interrupted by someone tugging me back from my hoodie... just what I need right now

"Hey fag!" Sara yells mockingly

"What do you want?" I ask giving her an annoyed look

"Don't be stupid, You know why you're about to get your ass kicked" she say shoving me into my locker

"So you're gonna kick my ass?" I question in disbelief

"Well no, not really but don't worry they will" she says reveling her army of 2 eleventh grade stoners

"I always thought you deserved better"

"What?" She asks scrunching her nose in confusion

"Why would you agree to be with someone like him Sara?"

"What trying are you trying to say?" She screams

"Don't be stupid, you know Max didn't deserve that sweet, innocent girl you were before... why did you give into him... why did you let him change you?" Her chumps hurl at me and grab my arms

"That's not your business... why do you even care?!"

"come on Sara just hit him!"

"Shut him up!" Yell her 'new friends'

"Why don't you care? What happened to your perfect grades all the nice friends you had..." she slaps me... then all of a sudden...

Nick's POV

I know... I said that I was gonna lay low but I couldn't even talk to him. He was so adorably sad and I didn't wanna fuck things up so I basically ignored him for the whole day but as soon as I saw that bitch lay a hand on my man I lost control no body touches my love

"Ahhhh! let go of me!" Sara yells struggling in my arms

"Hey! Let her go fag" Sara's Butlers yell

"Don't worry, I don't want her" I say tossing her into the grass, immediately her servants rush to her aid. I take the chance to grab Adi's arm and run I to the bathroom. I need to make sure he's okay, that she didn't do any severe damage. I slam the door shut and push the trash can in front to hold it closed.

"WhaT thE fuck WaS thaT?!" Adi yells trying to catch his breath

"I saved your ass... you're welcome!"

"ShE waSn'T gOinG tO dO anYthInG, I hAd it uNdeR coNtrol!" He says rolling his beautifully glossy hazel eyes

"She slapped you!" I say looking into his eyes

"ShE wAs cOnfUsed I wAs tRyiNg tO hElp hEr!" He argues as I examine his cheek, gotta check the other one just in case... resisting the urge to kiss away the hand print on his red cheek

"Why would you help someone like her, you know what she did to Cenna"

"Because thaT wasn't her, Max forced her to be that way!" He says looking away

"I'm sorry, I didn't know" I say rolling up his sleeves to take a look at his arms slightly bruised

"You should be, that costed Jojo a girlfriend" he sighs

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