You look great

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Tal's POV

I'm so nervous ... what am I gonna say, I hope I don't get rejected tonight because that would be traumatizing...Fuck I'm so awkward, my hands are sweating and Adi says my face is red... uhhh I bet I look like an idiot... of course I look like an idiot I'm dressed to go to Church or something, driving to Anthony's house and I think I'm starting to sweat. Maybe there's still time to not go, stay home and cry myself to sleep regretting that I decided not to ask him. Uhhh why are life's choices so hard to make...


Well here I go, my sweaty fist knocks on the door. I see someone peak through the window, aww it's Anthony OKAY WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T GIVE HIM THE FLOWERS YET.
"Hey Tal. Aren't you supposed to be at the dance with Gaby" he sniffs, his cute little eyes are red. Forgot I said that *_* "no, she's going with cena" "but You said she said yes when you asked her" "listen Anthony I didn't even bother to ask her" "so you lied, and you came to apologize?... Honestly I think you should hurry up you're gonna be late for the dance" he sighs I see his eyes start to water "Anthony what's wrong?" "Nothing, seriously why are you here... not be be rude and don't think I'm trying to kick you out but you're wasting your time" "I'm trying to tell you that I don't like her!" "okay congratulations" "I didn't ask her because I was planning on asking you" "what?!"A tear finally rolled down his cheek, I clear my throat "Anthony Rivera will you please understand that I wanna go to the dance with you" I pull him into a hug "yeah b-but why did you do that to me... I thought my crush was gonna have the night of his life with a hoe a-and I was gonna be alone crying myself to sleep regretting my life choices." He sobs into my chest I don't mind tho I was an ass to him it's the least I could do. "Come Anthony we're going to be late remember?" He looks up at me concerned "but I'm not ready, I wasn't planning on going so I haven't done my hair and-I don't care... to me you look great" "fine"


We get in my car and drive to the dance I feel a small tap on my shoulder,I look at Anthony
"Tal?" "Yeah?"  "Do you think we could... go somewhere else?" "Hmm where do you wanna go?"  "Let's go to your house" "you're right I don't wanna go anyway... at least I'll get to hang out with you."
"By the way... who are the flowers for?" "They're f-for... you"  His cheeks slowly turn a cute shade of red "thanks, I love them" he takes the flowers "they're almost as lovely as my date, you know"
"Seriously tho thanks for hanging out with me... and leaving your opportunity to go to the dance with everyone else. I had greatest

Sorry for the delay today was graduation (culmination) but I managed to finish it

THANKS FOR READING!Sorry for the delay today was graduation (culmination) but I managed to finish it

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I graduated (culminated)

Btw SleepyQueen76 I'm working on your request
ADI & NICK coming soon!

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