It's okay

603 17 13

Nick's POV

Scrolling through Instagram then another fucking picture of Adi and his girlfriend captioned 'cutest couple' uhhhh that's what I was trying to avoid. This is why I didn't wanna go to mall with the guys I know they're going to talk about Adi and his girlfriend, I can't even mention her name. He left us for her... I know that they're dating but he never sent one text. I sigh and turn off my my phone, there's a knock on my door

"Hey Nick"


"Can you watch Adi, for a while?"

"Why? I'm not a babysitter"

"come on bro you're his best


"He's going through some stuff"

"But- Okay thanks"

Uhhhhh the universe hates me. Something falls over in the kitchen, I walk over slowly.
(The one with the weird MesSy tYpeD WoRdS iS AdI sOrRy I hope you can read it)

"Hey NiCk"


"YeaH brO It's mE"

"Are you okay?"

"Never BeeN beTter"

There's something wrong with him

I look at what he dropped

"Adi why is there glass on the floor?!"

"SorrY I waS gonNA picK it Up"

"No no no I'll do it"


Tal is probably going on a date with his boyfriend and I'm stuck here cleaning up after his drunk brother that I was trying to get over... this night can't get any worse


"Why are you drinking so much?"

"SHE LEFT ME NICK, I don'T evEn knoW WhaT I diD WroNg"

I feel guilty because I hated their relationship from the start

"That sucks... but that just gives you a chance to find someone that's worth your time"

"Nah BrO thaT's tHe gOod pArt... I knoW That wE OnlY weNt ouT fOr a WeeK... ThaT waS thE WOST mIstAke I'Ve ever made"

"What do you mean?... I thought you said she was the perfect girl and that she was just your type"

When the thought returned my heart sunk... I realized that there wasn't a chance for me

"NO brO I pRoMisE it's nOt liKe tHat"

"Then how was it Adi? you said that she was your soulmate and then you never hung out with us again because you were always to busy with her"

"aLl I eVer WanTeD tO Do wAs hAng ouT wiTh My bEsT fRiEnDs bUt I nEver hAd tIme tO aNd I'm sOrrY ... I fEel liKe SHIT NICK"

Aww why is he crying I'm not that mad I was just a little jealous

"Adi it's okay we understand you don't need to cry I know that you were busy with your relationship... we missed you that's all"

"I'M sO sTupId I dAteD sOmeOne I didn'T evEn liKe bEcaUse I dOn't hAvE tHe bAllS tO aSk hIm oUt..."

"I'm pretty sure that whoever you like will accept you, he would be really stupid if he didn't"

"MaYbE iF hE evEr diD lIKe mE... he'S prObaBly OveR mE"

He started crying even more... this is tearing me up, that guy is so lucky to have a guy like Adi to appreciate them

"Don't worry... maybe I could help you convince him and hopefully get you guys together"

I hate seeing him like this but if another guy makes him happy then I guess...
(Pretty cliche don't you think 😏... I try)

"Nick I likE YoU"


"I liKe YoU nicK"

I'm so sorry this took really long because I was grounded and this is the best I could do in half an hour. I'll fix later
This was requested by SleepyQueen76 if you didn't like it let me know

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