Bromance 6

287 7 94

Tal's POV

"There, gotta say bro you're looking pretty good besides the fact that you're about to piss yourself!" Adi says mockingly as he examines me from head to toe

"I feel like like a fish out of water":

"A fishman, out of water" he repeats, I chuckle it off

"But seriously I can hardly breathe"

"Relax, you've been out with him before"

"You where just friends before, now we have the chance to be more"

"That is if you don't fuck up"

"Adi! You're making me even more nervous" here comes the anxiety

"Okay, sorry I was just saying"

"What if he doesn't like the food?"

"Who wouldn't, that food's bomb"

"What if I say something, what if he gets uncomfortable?"

"That's impossible, unless you forget to complement him" he jokes again

"What if he has doubts?"

"If he had doubts he wouldn't have accepted to go on a date with you"

"What if I get caught in traffic, he gets bored and leaves?"

"You can probably make it if you run"

"What if we get food poisoning?"

"That would suck"

"What if he realizes that he doesn't feel the same!"

"What if you took a deep breath and realize how ridiculous you're being" he suggests

"How can I relax when there's so many things that could go wrong!"

"I don't remember you being like this on your first ever date"he complains

"That's because I'm scared right now!"I admit

"Scared?! Scared of what?"

"I've never felt like this before, what if I get rejected, what if not ready. What if I'm not a good boyfriend, I don't wanna hurt him" I confess desperately

"Aww bro! Your first crush, don't worry too much it'll be fine just breathe" he says awwing like an idiot as I put on extra deodorant and try to breathe

"Okay I-I think I'm ready"

"Alright But drop me at the mall first"

"Yeah lets go" with that we head to the car as we come closer my grip on the steering wheel tightens calm down Tal you're only gonna make it worse

"Bro you're passing it!" Adi yells snapping me back to reality

"Shit, sorry bro" I apologize taking a u-turn

"Be careful, focus or else you won't make it to your date" he points out

"I just umm... we're here" I say clearing my throat

"Alright there's somethings you should know before I go... son I'm proud of you, but now you gotta show me you can treat a relationship" he says in a deep voice

"What the fuck, Adi?"

"Aye that's what he would've wanted"

"You say that like he's dead"

"I wanna be here for my little man... they grow up so fast" he says trying to imitate our father

"They'll be back soon, but thanks dad couldn't have done it you"

"Someone had to put you out there, besides nothing makes me more happy than your happiness... we're brothers forever; all I want to assure is that I'm your best man on the day of your wedding"he says giving me a sincere smile

"Of course bro you already know you're gonna the first one I'm gonna call, I couldn't have asked for a better brother"I tell him tearing up, without hesitation we share a big bro hug

"Go get him" he says pulling away and patting my shoulder once more

"Have fun, here." I say handing him 200 dollars and a 20 dollar Starbucks gift card

"What's this for"

"Lunch is on me today"

"But-just take it" I interrupt

"Thanks Tal, good luck"

"You too" I say as he shuts the car door

I drive a short distance to the restaurant but just as I walk in I realized that I haven't made a reservation shit!

To be continued...

Thanks for reading
Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't finished the actual date so... you'll have to wait!

Basically a little survey

Meanwhile you can tell your thoughts about bromance so far, some suggestions for future stories, rant about how damn long this story is I wont blame you.

Who else is a bit confused or intrigued by the cliffhanger?

Is this the first cliffhanger you've seen in this book so far?

Was this chapter too fuzzy, too much bromance? Not enough?

This is just for me to know your different opinions for self improvement or whatever because THIS BOOK HAS REACHED 7k READS GUYS 2 MORE VOTES TILL 300! 🎉😭
Thank you guys so much 😱🤧 if Tal could see me now, if the whole free time squad knew how proud and achieved I feel! 🥳😅

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