Just a title 4

151 8 9

Adi's POV

A few days ago Jojo called me, he said that he and nick wanted to fix things. Oh we're gonna fix things

So we made plans for this evening, I wanna look my best so nick knows what he's missing out on. I locked myself up for so long I forgot how much of a catch I am

I left my older brother standing a little confused. I have a good reason tho, today is the day I finally come out of my room!
Yeah... I kinda went through a faze, I grew a beard, listened to sad songs, cried, almost died, cried some more and realized I'm adi Fishman! Ha what am I doing?! I paused the sad music, wiped my tears, forgot those who put me here and watched how to get abs tutorials. Honestly I also forgot how sexy I am. Oof work it boy!


Today I started by shaving, the beard is gone thankfully, sorry, it just wasn't... me. Then I took a shower and I got all dressed up, in one of my many favorite suits.

It feels good to be back

"Bye guys I'll see you later" I call out leaving my house.
I didn't exactly tell Tal I'm off to hang out with my ex boyfriend and ex best friend.
It's complicated Nick, Jojo are going on a date and I am... let's call it "tagging along"

Flash forward to me, Jojo and nick watching the movie, they had planned to watch... alone

I can feel the tension in the air, Nick didn't look too pleased but he couldn't tell me to leave since his boyfriend so graciously invited me. Besides we're supposed get along and "make up"

"Hey nick I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" I heard Jojo whisper to Nick, he just hummed in response and I saw my chance

"Uh yeah me too I've been holding it in for too long" I say aloud as I follow Jojo to the restroom

I let him walk ahead of me and take a peak of his ass to know what I'm getting myself into, hmm seems pretty good.
We finally find the bathroom, do our business and wash our hands. Luckily, the restroom we're in is empty and the lights are dim, the odds are in my favor

Without thinking about it too much, I took Jojo's hand, and gave him a flirtatious smirk. Jojo blushed
"what are you doing Adi" he asks in a whisper

"Having a little fun" I murmur in his ear as I push him against the wall by his waist. Jojo didn't resist so I leaned forward and kissed him fiercely.

*door opening noise*

I feel someone else's presence coming from around the corner, I open my eyes, and meet a pair of blue ones that look at us with a pale complexion. I figure if they're gonna stare might as well give them a little show, I put my hands on Jojo's hips and he moves his to my neck

"What the fuck is this?!" A white Nick yells turning red, calling our attention

"I don't know what does it look like Nicky" I remark as soon as me and Jojo pulled away

"Don't fucking call me that"

"Oh someone's a little mad"

"Jojo what the fuck what are doing here with him" yelling at him now hmm I'm not gonna say anything

"Babe, it's not what you're thinking"

"Then what the fuck is it?!"

"I don't know, what are you thinking?" Jojo asks

Oh shit it's getting real!

"Stop trying to fuck with me Joseph!" Nick says his anger loud in his voice

"I'm not trying to fuck with you... I'm actually trying to fuck with him" Jojo says wrapping his arm around my waist

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Yeah" Jojo replied simply

"Fine, at least I got rid of your cheating ass!" Just nick says that I reach into my expensive pocket with a big smirk on my face

"What goes around comes around!" I yell pulling out my "uno reverse card bitch!" The
restroom feel silent as I threw the card at nick's face. Soon enough laughter sounded in the bathroom and we turn to see Tal and Anthony behind nick.

I shot nick one last glance and winked, fixing the collar of my suit. Me and Jojo push past them and strolled out of the theater.

"Damn." Tal muttered "I have a new role model."

"Honestly same" Anthony added taking Tal's hand a walking away

There stood an angry Nick eyes glossy with tears as if he didn't deserve this
"Fuck them, and fuck relationships, I'm too good for that" he continued to glare at his reflection "I'm still cute anyway" he said and leaves the restroom


Me and Jojo drove to my house to have a little more fun. When we arrived I ran over to his side of the car and opened the door, like the gentleman I am.

"Adi you're back! And you brought-Jojo" my dad says as we walk in

"Where did you go, and where's Nick?" my mother asks

"Well, mom lets just say I had something better to do " I called out as lead Jojo up the stairs I can hear my dad cracking up behind us.

"Where were we?" I ask closing the door

"Hmm I think you were just about fuck your ex's, ex" Jojo says with a hand on him hip

"Sounds good" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek, this definitely beats moping in my room


Thanks for reading

Hey, I'm sorry for leaving this book unattended, but school has been... 😣 a 🙍‍♀️🐶
As much as I didn't want it to come between us, it has. It's almost the end of the semester and all the work that I didn't put into school has finally caught up to me.
Through out all the time I was working on this book. I'm not trying to blame it or anything but- I can't upload as much as I used to (unless I can slack off in summer school)

I hope this chapter was... okay
Once again thank you to my loyal readers and friends that have stood with me.
Love you guys ❤️

And CasualAffair13 who always comes back, she helps me NO MATTER what. Idk what I did to deserve you, if not for you I would have given up completely.

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