Bromance 2

533 12 19

Tal's POV

Omg what did I just get myself into

"Bro I promise... you won't regret it"
"Seriously tho... I don't think this is a good idea"
"Of course it is... oh don't worry about the date or how it's gonna go, just be yourself and my plan will work"
"Wait... how long have you been preparing this?"
"Umm... since you two met, no offense but I'm pretty sure I knew you guys would end up together from the beginning"
"What about- don't worry you'll thank me on the day of your wedding"
"O...Kay? Anyway now that you've got it off your mind go to sleep you'll need it for school tomorrow"
"Uhhh you're so bossy, I think I'm changing my mind you'll probably have to do this by yourself"
"No no no no, you what I'm gonna bring you a nice glass of warm milk and then hopefully you'll sleep better"
"Dude I was just kidding, but I like that idea you know a midnight snack wouldn't hurt"

Who the hell does he think he is

"Fine do I bring you some cookies too?"
"Hmm, cookies and a sandwich please"
"Fat ass"
"What was that?"

How the fuck did he hear that

"Uh... nothing"
"That's what I thought"

I'm so done with being his slave, he's got this little attitude...
I bring Adi his precious snack, the first thing he does is open it

"Ewww Bro why the hell did you put cold cheese in my sandwich"

"That's how I make my sandwiches""No dude that's gross, you should've made it a grilled cheese then I would've understood but this is unacceptable"

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"That's how I make my sandwiches"
"No dude that's gross, you should've made it a grilled cheese then I would've understood but this is unacceptable"

He throws the cheese at me

"Dude what the fuck is wrong with you could've just put it aside"
"I did, I put it aside your face"
"Are you still gonna eat it?"
"Yeah... you can leave by the way"
"Ok but drink the milk"
"Good night bro"

Making that sandwich really tired me out I need rest 😴


Adi's POV

My phone vibrated near my leg I put it in front of my face and opened the message from Jenifer

Jenifer 😘: hey Adi wanna hang out tomorrow  after school 😸

Adi: umm 😐 sorry I'm already doing something, maybe another time?

Jenifer 😘: what's more important than spending time with me, I'm your girlfriend?! ☹️

Adi: I'm just helping Tal with something

Jenifer 😘: you've been hanging out with Tal a lot recently 😔

Adi: well he's my brother

Jenifer 😘: I guess your friends also get to hangout with you whenever they feel like it 😕

Adi: sorry I just have stuff to do

Jenifer 😘: you always have something more important to do especially when you wanna hangout with Nick 😑

Adi: we're just friends anyway so why does it matter?!

Jenifer 😘: just a friend? Your friendship is starting to sound like a relationship 😒

Adi: why are you saying this stuff?

Jenifer 😘: everyone at school knows that my boyfriend has a boyfriend 🙄

Adi: what?

Jenifer 😘: that you and Nick aren't just friends! I'm tired of the rumors

Adi: don't listen to them

Jenifer: I can't believe you... do you ever think about what this is doing to my reputation at school, with my friends even random people who pass by bother me about it 😖

Adi: I'll make time for us, I promise

Jenifer 😘: don't you think it's time that you realize this isn't working out for either of us

Adi: I'm sorry, you're right

Jenifer 😘: so... I hope you you understand we both know it wasn't working and that you end up in a good relationship

Adi: Okay thanks you too

Jenifer 😘: you're a great guy you'll find someone that actually interests you soon

Dude that's tuff I just got dumped in one of the worst ways, I change her contact name to Jenifer 💔 I don't know how I should feel about this... should I be grateful that I don't have to worry about my relationship and my feelings towards someone else or should I be hurt. Maybe I wasn't ready, it was too soon... I don't even know if nick likes me back! So what do I do now. At least I can't hurt her feelings when she finds out that I do prefer nick over her. I finished my snack and go to sleep.


Nick's POV

You know lately my thoughts have awkwardly been dedicated to adi it kinda sucks that he has a girlfriend but I know why she chose him. He's so cute and funny with that smile or his laugh. We've been spending quite some time together and I hate to admit it but he stole my heart just as fast as he stole my girl. I should go to sleep, can't wait to see him tomorrow at school...

Thanks for reading
Request by Love-manga-12 and Smartcookie816
Sorry I couldn't make it longer (😏) or find a good title (who's gonna help with that) but I hope you liked it... I actually have to plan the rest, like the date a stuff, how nick and adi run away together I'll try something else soon

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