Chapter 26

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I cried the whole ride home. How could my own mother take put a man over her daughter. I was stupid for thinking she would actually be a decent mother.

We finally arrived at home I ran upstairs and cried into the pillow. I called August.

~~~Phone Convo~~~


"What." I knew he was upset because I didn't show up to the funeral but I had a reason.

I broke down in tears. "Baby please don't be mad at me."

He sighed. "Why you ain't show up ma' I really needed you."

"I was getting ready to come but.." I cried harder and harder.

"What happened ma'?!"

"Me and my supposedly step dad got into it and he tried to take advantage of me. I was going to still come after we got into it but it was over by then. And Arella had to come get me still. Baby I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me."

He sighed. "Im sorry that happened to you ma' and nah I'm not mad. At least you tried. And I'm proud of you for giving your mom a second chance even tho that shit went down."

I sniffled. "I wish I coulda been there for you tho. I mean you was there for me."

"It's ight ma' I'm just glad you ight. Ion know what I would have did if something happened to you."

I smiled weakly as if he could see through the phone. "Yea."

"What you thinking bout ma'?"

"Nothing forreal school Finna start next week and I'm still tryna cope and I know you are too. It's just going to be hard for us to focus. I haven't even gone to my old house yet."

"I know. That's why I'm dropping out. I gotta make some money to take care of my nieces ma'."

I admired his ambition so I didn't question anything. "Does your mom know you're dropping out?"

"No and you bet not tell her."

I loved when he got a little demanding. "I won't."

"I'm coming to get you in a few. So you can go to your old house to get yo stuff."

"Aug I haven't been there in forever. I'm not sure I want to go back."

"You can't keep holding off. I'm on my way."


I hung up and changed out of the clothes I was in and took a shower. I felt so disgusting after what happened.

I got out the shower and slipped on an over sized sweater and some short shorts. I laid across the bed and waited until Aug got there. Still waiting I decided to call my brother.

~~~Phone Convo~~~

"Hey big bro. I just wanted to say thanks for standing up for me today."

"No problem lil sis. I just want you to know I still love you even tho we not as close as we should be."

"I love you too and it's not our fault it's Kelly's."

"Yea. I just can't believe she put that nigga over you like that."

"Well she doesn't have to worry about me again. EVER. I blocked her number."

"Ion blame you sis. Me and Tammy left right after you did."

"Yea...this summer hasn't been too good. And school starts next week. Not really looking forward to it."

"You can do it. I know a lot happened this summer but you just got put that smile on and focus."

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