Chapter 28

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I took Aunjel home and chilled over her house for a lil bit and just talked.

"How you feel ma'?"

"Ion know, I guess nervous and excited in a way. I hope Arella still let me live here...or I'd have to move to Dallas with my grandpa."

"Or you could live with me ma'."

"You think mama Sheila would be ok with that?"

"Yea you know she love yo ass."

"Yea I know. I love her too."

I looked at Aunjel's belly and rubbed it. "My lil man in there just chilling."

"Lil man? Who said I was carrying a lil boy? I think it's a girl."

"Yea ok Aunjel. Ok." I laughed.

"I honestly don't care what I have long as it's healthy."

"Yea. You right ma'." I laid across her bed and pulled her beside me. "I gotta ask you some ma'."

"What's up?"

"Do you love me no matter what?" I looked in her eyes for the answer.

"Yea baby why you ask?" I could see the truth in her eyes.

"I just wanted to know."

"Are you up to something you shouldn't be doing and should I be worried?"

"Don't worry about all that. I just want you to know I gotchu. Ima take care of you and my baby."

She sat up and looked at me. "Aug I hope you not finna get into no shit that may have you somewhere spread out across a parking lot. I'm not tryna lose my best friend." Her voice cracked.

I pulled her back down to me. "Naw ma'. You ain't gone lose me ya heard. That's my word."


I was afraid Aug was gone to get into some stupid shit but he gave me his word so I didn't stress it. I just laid on his chest and listened to his heart beat.

~~~The Next Day~~~

I woke up and August was gone. I walked downstairs to see Arella cooking breakfast.

"Good morning Suga." Arella said not looking up from the pan of scrambled eggs.

"Good morning." I sat at the table and put my head down.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I'll tell you when you finish cooking."

"Ok baby. The food is almost done."


She finally finished and brought the food to the table a long with a carton of Tropicana fruit juice.

"What's on your mind baby doll?" She asked as she sat down.

"So remember when I had the miscarriage a while back?"


"Well I went to the doctor yesterday to see why was I still getting bigger if I had a miscarriage and...come to find out I was pregnant with twins and I had only miscarried I'm still pregnant."

"Well baby I'm not gone just put you out you know that. The baby can stay in room with you until it gets older then it can be in the room beside you."

"Thanks Arella. I really appreciate everything you have done for me and I'm sorry I was so mean to you in the beginning." I got a little emotional. "I just took how other females treated my dad out on you because I thought you'd do the same, but I can see you're very genuine. And I just wanna say I'm sorry for way I acted."

"Awww baby I know. And I appreciate your apology. It means a lot to me."

I smiled faintly and played around with my food.

"You ok baby?"

"Yea...I'm just nervous. I mean I know August said he'd stay but what if he loses love for me or what if I'm not a good mom?"

"I met August a few times and he seems like he truly loves you Aunjel and as far as being a good mom, I know for a fact you'll be a good mom. Motherly instincts just kick in. You're going to fall in love with that baby the moment they place it on your chest."

"Yea I hear that a lot but it must didn't happen with my mom." I could feel myself getting upset.

"Stop Aunjel, you're not going to be like your mom. Y'all are not the same."

"But what if I get postpartum depression? I don't want to hate my kid!"

"Aunjel stop stressing. There's medicine for that. All of your 'what ifs' have a solution. You will be fine. You know I'm not going to let you do it on your own."

"Ok." I calmed down.

"Everything will be ok. I promise you."

There's that word that I was afraid of...Promise...

So I know it's short but I wanted to update for y'all. Ima speed the story's time up tho for the next update so next time y'all read Aunjel will prolly be four or five months....anywho I hope y'all are enjoying it.


Sweet Love and Revenge (An August Alsina Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang