AntiBiotic For Unhappiness

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" Happiness has to do with the heart & Allah Ta'aala is the Creator of the heart. The more you make Allah Ta'aala happy, the more Allah Ta'aala will make you happy. Your boss does not have control over your happiness. The husband does not have control over the wife's happiness. Happiness is in the hands of Allah Ta'aala.

A simple solution, a 'Medicine', an 'Antibiotic', for many diseases is the medicine of Taubah. Just increase your Taubah. Even if the person does not realise where he has faltered, the antibiotic will do its work without the person realising which 'bug' or 'virus' the person had.

Taubah is such an antibiotic which Allah Ta'aala Himself, has prescribed to us.

Together with this, one needs a 'tonic' & 'vitamins' to gain health & strength. This 'tonic' & 'vitamins' is Durood Shareef.

After having taken an 'antibiotic' to rid yourself of the 'virus', take a 'tonic' to get remedied".

( Antibiotic for Unhappiness - Fakhrul Ummat Hazrat Moulana Abdul Hamid Is'haq DB-)

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