I'll kill for you

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P.G. P. O. V.
They took my brother. I seen a bunch of hims, and then the other me and more hims..... they..... stole him..... I'm...... alone...... by myself.... without my brother......FUCK!!!!!!!!
I watched as Blueberry watched Dust. All the Au's wanted to help me and Dust. Dust is so.... lovable. No wonder Blue..... loves him... What will that mean for me? Will they just forget about me...? Dust seemed to sense my unease and sent Blue away so we could talk. "Okay... Lazy Pap what's wrong?" He asked.
"It's nothing don't worry Dust..." I whispered back. He saw through me. He hugged me and waited. "I don't have a choice do I?" I asked.
"Nope. So what's bugging you?" He asked again. I sighed, what does it matter?
"Will... you l-let Blue forget me? He already complains I'm lazy. That I don't do anything. He hates my puns." I started crying and Dust hugged me.
"Papyrus! Don't worry your bro loves you!'" Dust whispered. Dust wouldn't let me see well but he was crying.
"Dusty.... go hang out with Blue. I'll see you after work. Bye." I whispered. To my own surprise, I went to work.
Dust's POV
"Hey, Blue. Paps is at work, what you want to do?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck under my hoodie.
"WOULD YOU LIKE TO ACCOMPANY ME, THE MAGNIFICENT SANS TO VISIT Alphas?" Blueberry asked. You're a murder! This world will live on! Undying... my Undying's voice growled (cuz everyone switched, I am saying who they traded with K if you don't like I said it before don't like don't read! Plus sorry I spelled it wrong...). "DUST? DID I SAY SOMETHING WRONG AGAIN?"
"No. I did something wrong. When you say names... their vioces are in my head. And it hurts. And she was right I am a murderer." I whispered. Blueberry hugged me and called Alphas.
"Nah, I'm good. I want to watch a movie and hang out." I lied. Blue seemed eager but Alphas still showed up and walked in her axes hanging.
"You must be Dust. I'm Alphas." She greeted. You're a murderer! This world will live on!  "Um... Dust?"
"J-just call me S-sans." I stammered. Blue was confused, but Aphas seemed unfazzed. "So, you're the captain of the royal gaurd?" I asked, chaging the subject.
"Yea. I'm training Blue to be in the royal guard too." She explained. NO!
"Hey, Blue can you go find Papyrus real quick I need to talk to Alphas," I asked. Blue nodded and took off. "I know what you are truly doing. It's not fair!" Alphas went to say something but I responded first. "Thank you. I don't want to see him get hurt. I would kill anyone who hurt Blue." She chuckled.
"Maybe you can be trusted with him! Don't hurt Blue he means way to much to be hurt. And I can't let him join the guard he's too precious." Alphas laughed. I nodded in agreement.
"I would kill for him," I whispered. "Has a human fallen?" I asked.
"Yes, I but I have to wait to kill it. It wears a blue shirt with purple stripes." Alphas explained.
"THAT'S FRISK SHE WILL KILL EVERYONE AND RESET AGAIN AND AGAIN! WE NEED TO KILL THEM NOW!" I shout. Me and Alphas where out the door. "Call Papyrus now."
"Why he won't do anything?" Alphas growled.
"You're wrong so wrong! Just call him now!" I yelled, getting to the ruins door. Then the child came out with dust on them. I killed them. After continuing seven times she reset, but this time, Chara fell. "Alphas she is good don't hurt her." I whimpered. Alphas nodded and left, no one ever did call Papyrus. Papyrus, knew everything reset... and I had to explain.

Dustberry (murder sans x blueberry)Where stories live. Discover now