13: You don't need him

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long, here's a quick recap for you:

You were kidnapped from Tae's apartment by 2 hybrids and brought to a building away from the city and then tied to a chair. In hopes of being set free you expain your father was a lawyer that helped hybrids before he disappeared, but the hybrids don't listen to you. Then your period cramps settle in you and you try to get out of the chair but fall on your arm and assume it's broken. Suddenly Yoongi appears and frees you until some police officers arrive. Yoongi then doesn't help you when you're taken away by them.
So here we are:

"What's your name?"

"Y/N," you tell them.




"15th December 1995."


You sit still, not wanting to answer any more questions.

"Female," the officer you came in with answers for you. His hand lands just across from your shoulder, close to the broken bone and he squeezes tightly.

Yes, the hybrids gave you a sling for your arm after they did a quick x-ray when you arrived, but that was it. No painkillers. No cast. Just a stained white cloth as a sling. But you're still at least grateful for that.

You squirm slightly under his grip and he let's go again, satisfied.

"Put her in the 3rd cell for now," the hybrid with the clipboard demands, not looking up as he speaks.

The hybrid behind you cups his hand under your other arm and hauls you out of the seat and towards the cells in the back.

Once he let's you go you're standing alone in a small concrete cell. There's a small window on the wall at the back at the very top, too small for you to fit through and barred up with metal bars. You turn to watch the metal door slam shut and then move to sit on the metal bed with a single bed sheet over and try to get comfy.

Thankfully your period cramps have gone but that means you've got less than a week until your period arrives. You're not sure what's going to happen to you now but you assume nobody would have any pads or tampons around. Female hybrids don't get periods. You're not sure what they get but you'd heard from your brother that the males and females got something similar to periods, just without the bleeding part. You're still not sure what that means but you know it means no tampons.

Just great.

You sit and wait for hours. For what exactly? You're not sure. But you wait.

The cell you're in darkens as the sun sets and soon you're entrapped in it, sitting still on the metal bed, too anxious to sleep. It was too uncomfortable anyway.

More hours pass and you're just sitting with your knees as close to you chest as they can be whilst not touching your slinged arm. The cold wind from outside passes through and lightly brushes against your skin.

You'd thought this was going to be a long night until there was a loud noise coming from somewhere in the building. Then the noise got louder and louder until you could distinct what it was.


"Wass happ'nin ma dudes? Where we goin'?" the voice was slurred and loud which you figured was just some drunk person. But boy were you wrong.

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