Chapter 1 Party

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"So Tris do you like this one or this one", asks Christina.

In one hand she holds a black dress with lace sleeves and in her other hand she holds the same dress but in red.

"Umm the red one",

"Okay then try it on", she shoves the dress at me .

"Oh and here are your shoes", Christina hands me a pair of black ankle boots. "Now go",. I turn and head to the dressing room.

I turn and look at my self in the mirror. The dress is tight but cute. The sweet heart neck line makes the dress even cuter. I then look at the shoes the heel is a little high. I also look at the fishnet tights.Then I look at the tags. My eyes bulge at the numbers.

" I really should just wear something I already own", says a little part of me. But I need to stop being such a stiff. So I walk out of the dressing room to Christina. She gives me a once over.

" You look really sexy",  I blush at that.

" Thanks you don't look to bad yourself", I laugh. Christina has on a black sleeveless dress with a leather jacket and red fishnets with black pumps.

"Thanks now let's go do makeup",

"Nooooooooooooo", I whine

"Come on it'll be fun", she says and grabs me by the hand and drags me to her place.

"There all done", I open my eyes and Christina hands me a mirror. I have smokey eyes and red lipstick and my hair is curled and parted to the side. I look hot.

"Well I'll be damned I actually look hot", me and Christina  laugh.

"Alright ready to go",

"As ready as I'll ever be", I grab my black leather jacket and we head out the door.

"Okay so I didn't  tell you who is hosting the party",  I just nod and keep walking.

" Its Eric s party",

I stop walking and look at her in shock

" Wait what? Is that why Four didnt want to go",

Christina bites her lip "Um yeah but he personally invited us. And Will and everyone but Four will be there", I am to mad to talk so I keep walking.

We arrive at an apartment with a blood red door. I knock and Eric answer the door. He has on a black shirt and red jeans with black and red converse on.

"Well hello lady' s you look great we just started playing candor or dauntless you up for it Tris",

I lean in he smells like mint and say " Hell yeah", then I push passed him into the apartment. Everyone is sitting in a circle on the floor. I take a seat on Wills right side and Christina sits on his left. Eric sits across from me.

"Tris candor or dauntless",


"Okay I dare you to take three shots of straight vodka",

"Okay", I get up and grab the bottle off the table and three shot glasses. I full all of them to the brim. Will starts shouting "Shots Shots Shots everybody", then everyone joins in. I grab the first shot and turn to everyone. Then I drink it. I blink cause the drink feels like fire down my throat but I like it. I take the second and the the third and then a fourth for fun. I also grab a beer on my way back. I hear every one clap as I walk back to the circle. I look at everyone. Everything is kind of fuzzy around the edges.

I ask "So Will candor or dauntless",

"Candor", I think for about 10 seconds

"If you could have sex with anyone in this room who would it be with?",

Will has to think then he says stammering " Yyyyyou, Christina and Lynn", . Christina gets up and grabs Will by the hand and says" We're going now", And drags Will out the door.

Eric snickers "Well some ones in trouble", We all laugh.

About 2 hours pass and I have about 5 more beers and Eric has 4 shots and six beers. Everyone is totally wasted.

"Alright well everyone out", Eric slurs. I get up to leave when I remember I had a jacket on that I can't find. Everyone leaves while I walk around with my head down looking for my jacket. Suddenly  I bump into someone. I look up to see Eric less then an inch away his body to mine. I look into his green eyes as his lips crush mine. For some reason I kiss back. The kiss becomes more heated and I rap my legs around his waist. He puts his hands under my thighs and walks me down a hallway. A voice in my head says "What the hell are you doing? Your cheating", But next thing I know I'm on the bed.

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