Chapter 6 Home

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28 weeks pregnant

Wake up and just walk no more like waddle to the closet. I just put on a large black shirt and black shorts. I'm am fuckin huge!!! I stopped being able to see my toes at 15 weeks!!! I put my hair in a bun. Me and Eric are going to look at new apartments. I walk into the kitchen with my hands on my belly. Eric has on a gray and black plaid shirt and black means. He hands me an egg sandwitch with strawberry jelly.

"Morning babe",

"Morning when do we leave", Eric says we can leave when ever I'm ready. I eat my sand witch in literally two mintues.

"Thank you babe", I whisper in Eric's ear then I kiss him on the cheek.

"Love you", Eric tells me and gives me a quick peck on the lips....... as he smears jelly on my nose and cheek.

"Eric", I scream at him. He laughs so hard he doubles over. I grab a handful the butter and smear on his face and forehead. He stops laughing and looks up at me. I scream as he chases me all the way to my room. I shut the door and lock it as I am ingulfed giggles. I take a shower and change into a long black sun dress with my hair in a flower crown. I put my favorite black flats on and stare at myself in the full length mirror. I turn to the right and look at myself. My stomach bulges. Its huge and I laugh cause it looks so big cause I'm so short. I start to sing on of my favorite old lalabys. (in italian and the translations under it)



Bella e bianca

vola vola

mai si stanca

gira qua

e gira la

poi si resta sopra un fiore

e poi si resta spora un fiore.

Ecco ecco

a trovata

bianca e rosa


gira qua

e gira la

poi si resta sopra un fiore

e poi si resta spora un fiore.


Beautiful and white

Fly and fly

Never get tired

Turn here

And turn there

And she rests upon a flower

And she rests upon a flower.

Here, here,

I have found her

White and red


Turn here

And turn there

And she rests upon a flower

And she rests upon a flower."

Suddenly I feel hard kicks. I pull up my dress and I can see that I have a red little foot print where the baby s last kicked. I laugh.

" Tris you coming", Eric asks poking his head in.

"Yeah here come here", I tell him and wave him over. I hold is hands and put his hands on both sides of my belly. The babies start to kick like crazy.

"Just think we made those", I whisper.

"Yeah team work", Eric says as he smirks at me and I roll my eyes. I peck him on the lips.

"Let's go", I say and lead the way out of my room.

Urgh we have looked at four different aparments and none of them are right. Either they are to small or to big. Eric and I get on the elevator to ride up to the top floor. Its above ground and the views perfect. Eric and I walk down the hall till we get to a white door, number 234. Eric and I are greeted by a tall woman with red curly hair and in a tight dark red dress with many pirceings and tattoos on her arms and chest.

"Hi I'm Andres if you have any questions please come to me", She says with a mo tone voice. Wow she really love her job.

"Thanks we will", Eric says as we walk on. The aparment is huge. Its got five bedrooms, four bathrooms and the living room and kitchen are huge. A large chaindlier hangs from the ceiling in the living room with another smaller room in which four of the bedrooms are attached to. Large windows are everywhere in this place. Other smaller ones of many diffrent colors adorn the ceilings in the other rooms. As we look at the master bedroom I lean over and whisper to Eric.

"This is the one I love it. And its got more then enough room for all of us", Eric nods and smiles at me.

"Guess what" , Eric asks me.


"This place comes with its own pool on the sixth floor",

"Okay then this is defintily the place", I say. Eric walks over to th

e Andres.

"We'll take it", Eric tells her.

"Lovely well I'll make sure that we have your stuff moved if you'd like that no extra charge",

"Alright", Andres pulls out two golden keys.

"Welcome to your new home",

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

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