Chapter 8

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"Shit its all over my shoes", Chris yells stepping back. I start panicing.

"Eric their to early", I look over at Eric whose just standing there frozen.

"Okay first things first let's get you settled on the couch. Labors not fast so you'll have some time before their here.", Will says. Will takes my hand and leads me to the couch. Will became a doctor about a year ago. I breath in deeply as I sit on the couch.

"Alright when a contraction hits I want you to say a code word. How about pink? Okay Tris? ", Will says. Chris is scwating next to Eric whose holding my hand.

"Pink", I say beginning to sweat. I hold Eric s hand harder as the contraction takes over my body.

"Breath Tris", Will tells me. I begin to take deep breaths.

Soon the presets show up and they whisk me to the hospital.

*3 hours into labor*

"Ugh I can't take this anymore", I say pacing around the room. My eyes closed tight. My hands on my back.

"Babe your doing great don't worry", Eric tells me from his chair in the back left corner next to my bed.

"Shut up you not the ones whose been in labor for three hours and is only six cent meters dilated", I snap at him.

" Pink shit", I cry as another contraction hits me. They are coming every five mins now. Will walks into the room dressed in his doctor at ire. He'll be delivering the babies.

"Will she needs pain killers", Eric tells Will.

"I can't give her any its against the rules Eric you know that. Tris why don't you lay down", Will tells me.

"I fuckin can't it hurts to much", I tell him.

"Okay why dont you just lay down so that I can see how dilated you are", Will says.

"Fine", I walk over to the bed and lay down with my legs spread. Will checks me.

"Seven center meters looking good", Will says looking at me and smiling.

"Great this is almost over",

* 6 hours in labor*

"Tris just breath", Will says. I begin to breath deeply.

"Its time to push okay", Will tells me. Eric pulls his chair closer to me. He kiss my sweaty fever us cheek.

"I love you. You can do this", Eric whispers in my ear.

"I love you too", I feel every muscle in me flex and I push as hard as I can.

"Ugh", I cry as my muscles relax. My head falls back on the pillow I look up at the ceiling panting. Another contaction hits and I cry out. I push as hard as I can.

"I can see the head Tris your doing so great", Will tells me. It feels like fire. Like I'm being cut in half.

"Okay Tris come on one more big one", Eric coach s me on.

"You can do this", Will tells me. I push as hard as I can my chin touching my chest.

"UGH", I cry out. Suddenly a small sharp cry sounds. Will holds up a small baby with dark hair and blue eyes.

"Tris and Eric meet your son", Will says I smile tears running down my cheeks. Will passes Jacob to the nurse she weighs him.

"What's his name",

"Jacob Dalton Green", Eric says. Just as he says this my stomach clenchs. Every muscles flexs in my body.

"Okay Tris get ready to push again", Will tells me. Another strong contraction hits me. I push as hard as I can.

"Ugh", I stop pushing.

"Come on Tris you can do this", Will says. I look over and see Eric holding our son smiling. Jacob swattled in his big blue blanket with his little blue hat and binky.

"Ugh", I push as hard as I can. Suddenly two small cry s pierce the air.

"Your twins are here", Will says. I see to blonde baby girls with blue eyes. Will passes them to the nurse.

"What is this baby girls name", she holds up a baby girl with long blonde curls.

"Avery Elise Green", I tell the woman. She wraps her in a pink blanket and puts her in a pink hat.

"And the other",

"Zearan Elizabeth Green", Eric tells her. She places her in a purple blanket with a pink hat. They are both handed to me. The girls look at me with there big blue eyes. Avery has her fist in her mouth. Eric sits at the end of my bed.

"Our babies", Eric says all I can do is nod. The nurse comes over to me.

"Ma'am the babies are four weeks early you have to breast feed them in order to get them to a heathly weight", I nod still staring at my children.

I'd do anything for them.

One stupid nightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن