Chapter 7

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32 weeks

"Eric help me I can't move this over there", I yell. We are moving furunite for the babies room.

"Babe I told you let me lift and move things and you just sit down and fold clothes and put then in the dresser", Eric says as he moves the cribs all love the floor. The settle Avery on the right Zeanan on the left and Jacob at the front with my new blue rocking chair next to if. I pull down my white tank top and my black plaid panama pants. I struggle to stand but mainage.

"Fine I'll pack the emergency bag", I waddle over to the right side of the room and pick up the bright red diaper bag. I sit back down and start to fold the little oneies and bootdys. I look closely at the soft blankets each little hat. A tear runs down my cheek and I smile as I think in just four weeks my babies will be wearing these and how in just a short time I'll be a mom.

"What's wrong Tris do you not like the room? I'll paint it again or i can",

"Eric no its fine relax its just so amazing how super soon little people are going to sleep in here", I say looking around at the walls that are painted so it looks like the ceilings the sky and the walls are blue on the top with green paint on the bottom for grass a white fence with flowers on it too.

"Yeah I know I can't believe how fast things have changed for us. I can't believe that I can love someone as perfect as you and you love me enough to give me three beautiful children", Eric says kneeling down. I'm still crying but its happy tears now.

"Tris I love you and our children. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?", Eric asks me as he pulls out a ring from his back pocket. The rings got a silver band that's serious around my finger with a huge diamond on it with two smaller black diamonds on both sides.

"Yes Yes a million times yes", I stand up and Eric does to. I hug him the best I can with my huge belly sticking out in front of me.

"I love you Tris so much", Eric tells me.

"And I love you even more", I tell him meaning every word. We pull back from out i brace and I grab his shoulders.

"Alright but listen we can't get married till I lose all of the baby fat", I tell him.

"Okay but just so you know I think you look great now", He tells me as he starts to put sheets on the babies mattress.

"Yeah and I think I look like a whale", I say as I walk out of the babies room and into the living room with the kitchen attached. I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. On the show the couple are having a dinner party. I realize how long its been since I'b seen my friends.

"Eric come here please", I yell over my shoulder. Eric comes running in.

"What is it Tris",

"I just well I want to have some friends over I miss them",

"Alright I'll call them up and see if they wanna come over for dinner",

"Aw thank you Eric I know I'm really needy right now but once I pop these kids out I'll be able to help you out more", I tell him.

" No its okay Tris I don't mind", He tells me shrugging but I can see how tired he is.

"Thank you Eric",

"No problem", Eric turns and picks up the phone. I get up off the couch and walk over to the fridge. I grab a jar of pickles then I walk to the pantry and grab peanut butter and salt and vingar chips. I settle on the couch and put my feet up and turn on the tv. There's a story on the news about the Abnegation helping the poor. The usual.

"Hey babe Will Chris Uran and Lynn will be over at four", Eric tells me. I look at the clock its like 3:20.

"Okay shit I gotta get dressed then", I say I grab on pickle for the long run.

After trying on like six diffrent dress's I finally decide on my favorite black dress with long sleeves that's about knee length. I put on my small black wedges and braid my hair in a crown and put in my chandler earrings. I put a little makeup on. As I walk out the smell of food hits me. I walk over to the kitchen through the hall. I see Eric dressed in a white v neck shirt with a black blazer on with jeans. He's cooking as he turns over his shoulder to look at me.

"Tris you look great", He tells me as his eyes rake up and down my body.

"Even through my belly s like six feet long", I say hands on my hips smiling at him eyebrows raised.

"That just makes you look better", Eric smiling at me.

"Thanks babe anything I can help with",

"Yeah can you set the table", Eric asks me.

"No problem love", I say as I grab our black place mats and our red napkins with the silverware. I set all the spots at the table and help Eric get all the wine glasses and the wine and beer out. We also put on some of my favorite music. Some guy from Amity named Sam Smith his song Not the only one plays. Eric comes over to me.

"Can I have this dance", Eric says holding out his hand. I nod and take it. We try to slow dance the best we can with my belly between us. After that song the doorbell rings. I break out off Eric s arms to see Chris standing there in red heels black tights and a red dress.

"Trissy", Chris says giving me a hug.

"Chris's", I yell.

"Oh my god I've missed you so much we have not talked in forever", She says holding my hands.

"I know I missed you too", I say.

"Come in please", I say moving out of the way so that she can come in with Will in toe behind her. Will has a huge gift bag in his hand.

"Um whose that for", I ask pointing at the bag.

"For kids of couse ", Will says smiling and shrugging.

"Yeah sit sit open it", Chris tells me as she claps and jumps up and down.

"Okay one-", My words are cut off by the air being knocked out of my lungs.

"Shit my water just broke",

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