Chapter 4 The Baby stuff

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"I love you", I hear the words come out of his mouth. I think should I say it back should I. Wait I cry over this man he checks on me he didn't kill me when I told him I was pregnant. Maybe he means this. It felt good when he touched me when he kissed me or touched my belly.And that night I kind of remember  what we did even though I was totally wasted I liked what we did it felt amazing.

"And I love you", I say as I kiss him. I feel him grab onto my shirt and pull it over my head. I pull his shirt off. This time I'm paying attention so when the kiss gets heated I want this. I want him. He wants me.

I wake up warm and feeling loved. I roll over and see Eric looking at me. His green eyes shining bright. I then trace my hand down his abs and back up to his neck. We made love. We didn't have sex we made love. I smile as he feels my belly.

"You know you have never talked to the babies they don't know what Daddy s voice sounds like", Eric looks at me unsure about how to do this. Then he puts a hand in both sides of my tummy. He clears his voice.

"Hi babies its Daddy. How's it going? Are you growing big and strong?

And I know that you guys we're not planned but Daddy loves you all and I couldn't be more happy that I'm having a baby with the most amazing girl ever and I love you guys", by the end of that my eyes are watering. Eric kisses my belly then gets out of bed.

" Get dressed okay", he says as he walks out of my room.

I get up and take a shower then put on a black 5SOS shirt and a black skater skirt and my purple toms. I go in the bathroom and quickly curl my hair. I wear it parted to the side. When I walk into Eric's room I see him with no shirt and black jeans on looking for something. I go into his closet and pick out a black v neck shirt for him.

" Here ya go babe", I say as I through the shirt at him. I walk around his room while he gets dressed. I see three large objects with blankets over them.

" Eric what are these", I ask him. He walks over  and says with a. goofy smile.

"I made these for the babies", As he takes the blanket off to reveal a purple crib with airplanes on it and the name Jacob painted on the side, a orange crib with stars on it and the name Elizabeth painted on the side and a pink crib with green flowers painted on it with the name Avery painted on it. That reminds me we have so much shopping to do.

"Eric I we love it they are so cute and I love there names oh my god thank you thank you so much", I say as I jump up and down. This is amazing. Then Eric turns around and gets a green gift bag.

"I got you this", I take the bag and open it in it are our ultrasound pictures but all famed. The fame has a picture of me and Eric then a line to the ultrasound pictures. The words my family are painted on the frame. Also there is a tape measure that says my belly on it.

"A www thanks Eric its all so cute thanks", I cooe

"Your welcome now come on we have stuff to do", He says as he grabs me by the hand and drags me out the door.

We are on the train platform waiting for the train when I ask where we are going.

"I thought you might want to see your family in Abnegation and tell them about the babies",

"But we can't its against the rules",

"Nope I'm a dauntless leader I can go where ever I want", as he says this the train pulls up. Eric jumps first then I try to but my belly hits the floor and I cry out but Eric grabs my hand and pulls me in. I am crying because of the pain. Eric pulls me into the cornor and I sit on his lap bridal style my head to his chest.

"Are you alright Tris", he asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine", I mumble

"Are you scared ", Eric whispers into my hair.

"Scared of what", I ask confused.

"Scared to give birth scared to tell your mom and dad scared to be a mom scared to have a baby at 18......scared of me", I turn and look at him I look him hard in the eyes as I hold his face.

"I will never be afraid of you", I kisses him long and hard till he says its time to get off the train",. This time when I jump Eric catch s me.

When we reach my old house we knock on the door. Me and Eric are hand in hand when my mom answers the door wearing a plain gray dress and plain gray shoes.

"Beatrice what nice visit and who is this nice young man",

"I'm Eric I'm uh Tris boyfriend", My mother looks at me then  Eric then back to be. "Well come in can I get you guys some water",

"Yes please Mom thank you", Everything in the house is gray. My father comes down the stairs.

"Beatrice is that you? Are you in trouble is that why your with a dauntless leader", My father looks concerned.

"No Dad this is my boyfriend Eric", I say laughing

" Oh well sorry", My father blushes

"That's alright dad", I say okay its time to get serious.

"Mom Dad me and Eric want to tell you something", At the sound of this Mom and Dad sit down next to across from us on the love seat.

"Well I love you first of all and I love Eric with all my heart",

"And I love Tris with all my heart", Eric says holding my hand.

My parents look at our hands then my mother looks at my tummy and I know she knows.

"Oh my god Tris",

"Mom and Dad I'm pregnant",

I watch my moms face go from shocked to happy. I watch my Dads face go pale then red. I count my breaths 100 breaths later my Dad speaks.

"This is just one of those jokes right your not serious are you", my Dad asks clearly mad.

"No Dad I'm not", I say

" What were you thinking? Your so young. And a the fathers at least 20! How did this happen?",  Eric decides to but in.

"With all do respect Tris has me to help her through this and I will help her with the babies", My Dads face gets really red then.

"I'm sorry did you say babies ", I face palm at that.

" Yeah I'm having triplets", I am sweating so hard. I put my head on Eric's shoulder.

"Get rid of them", yells my Dad. Eric and him start arguing  while my mom gets up and waves me over. I get up and follow her up stairs.

"Alright how did this happen",

"I went to a party and I drank to much then I started talking to Eric and then it just happened", She looks at me and smiles.

"Are they boys or girls", she asks smiling.

"One boy two girls. Their names are Elizabeth, Avery and Jacob",

My mother pulls down the latch for the attic. She march s up I follows her. the attic is large and dusty and full of boxes. My mother goes and picks up three bags an shake's them to me.

"Its stuff for the babies", she says then she hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. I feel a kick.

"Mom mom mom the babies kicked", I grab her hand  and press it to my tummy when they kick again.

" Hi babies its grandma just saying hi and be kind to momma and Daddy  okay thanks love you guys", she says talking to the babies.

"Mom me and Eric should go now before people realize we're gone",

"Alright bye  honey love you",

"Love you too mom", I walk down to see Eric standing bye the door waiting for me.

On the train Eric asks what's in the bag. We open it together and find lots of baby stuff bottles clothes diapers hats shoes socks  even little baby soaps and combs and little teddy bears.

"Baby stuff", Eric and I say at the same time

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