Chapter 10

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This is a picture of Tris niece

"Tris let's go", I look up from the hole where id been staring.

"We gotta jump every ones already down", I nod. I grab Eric s shoulders and pull him in for a hug.

"She's here Caleb my brothers daughter. My niece", I tell Eric I whisper. Eric laughs lightly into my hair.

"That's great but we gotta go", Eric tells me he pulls away from me.

"Ladies first", He winks and me. I laugh and jump. I feel the wind in my hair on my face. But when it gets to be to much I hit the net. I roll over and find all the inmates eyes on me.

"Is there a problem? What are you looking at?", I shout at them. They all murmur and look away.  I jump off the net and see Eric flying down. He lands in a crouch on the net and jumps off.

"Let's go!", Eric shouts at them. Eric and I run in the front of the group. We are running to the apartments. As we turn the corner we see Chris with the kids. Avery s screaming and so is Jacob. It takes all my free will not to turn and help her.

Eric turns into the apartments I follow behind him.

"Alright here's your rooms girls on one side boys on the other. Oh and by the way no sex we have cameras in here", Eric tells him. One boy keeps eyeing my niece but she's not paying him any attention. 

"Dinners in an hour", I add Eric and I walk out hand in hand. We both walk down to Chris's aparment. You can practly hear the babies crying from the door. I knock on the door.

"Its open", Chris yells we open the door to see that she's holding Avery in her right arm.

"Thank god here take me", She says sounding super relived. She practily dumps Avery into my arms and Jacob along with Zerean. We thank her for wachting the kids and leave.

Back at home I making a dinner of chicken green beans and mash potatoes. Eric is not home he left for the gym about an hour ago. Avery s napping in her playpen next to the couch. Jacobs in his swing laughing and giggling along with Zerean. I hum a song from the Amity.

"My lady running down to the riptide I wanna be you left hand man. I love you when your singing that song and I got a lump in my throat cause your gonna sing the words wrong", I hear Zerean laugh and clap as I begin to sing the song. I turn around and look at them. I laugh cause they all look different. Suddenly there is a knock at the door. I open it to find the red headed girl. Or my niece.

"Hi um well my my Dad wanted me to talk to you. I know who you are see I know its against the rules but he told me all agog his life. He wanted me to find you so I could talk to you and well have so one to talk to you know. Oh and my names Anna", She tells me all in one breath and reach s out to shake my hand.

"Oh yeah come in come in", I invite her in. As soon as she lays eyes on the babies she looks at me.

" Are those your children", She asks me. I nod and pick up Jacob. I walk over to her. She holds out her arms and I lay Jacob in them.

"Wow he's so cute and small. What's his name",

"Jacob and he is five weeks old. In the play pen that's Avery and in the swing that's Zerean. They are triplets", She looks at  Jacob and nods.

"Where's Daddy", She asks me.

"Eric is the father he is also my fieonsa", I tell her she takes a seat on the couch as I turn around and go back to sataing the green beans.

"How long have you guys been together", Anna asks me.

"Well we were not together when I got pregnant but at about three months we wanted to be together", I tell her. She looks shocked then composed herself. In Erudite something like that would never happen. So she's never heard anything like Eric and I.

" So what are you making", She asks me.

"Bake chicken green beans and mash potatoes", I tell her. I can peachy hear her stomach rumbling from here.

"Um would it be okay if I stayed for dinner", Anna asked me. She's biting her lip which is something Caleb used to do all the time.

"Yeah yeah go ahead but then you'll have to go back to the dorms", I tell her. Avery begins to cry in her play pen. I grab a blanket quickly from her room and pick her up out of her play pen. I sit on the couch next to Anna.

"Do you mind if I breast feed her? You can feed Jacob", I ask her. Avery is impacintly slapping my breast.

"No I don't mind. Where are the bottles", Anna says she stands up with Jacob still in her arms. I put the blanket over my shoulder. And latch Avery on.

"In the fridge", I tell her. She grabs on and sits on the couch and begins to feed him.

"So how old are you", I ask her.

"I am 15 most of the Erudite kids leave early", She tells me.

"When's your birthday", I ask her.

" May 23", She tells me. She strokes Jacobs brown hair. He looks up at her with his blue eyes.

"Ya know he looks just like my Dad", She tells him.

"True he does", I tell her.

We sit on the couch with the childern till the food is done. She helps me put them to bed. We are now sitting at the table eating. She eats enough for six people. I guess she sees me staring at her.

"I'm sorry all we eat in Erudite is turkey sandwich's. I hate bread", She tells me. I laugh.

"No no its fine",

"Can I tell you something I guess you noticed I'm to old to be Caleb s daughter. I was adopted by Caleb my mother is faction less", She tells me.

"Listen family is family. And you are my family", I tell her. Anna looks up at me and smile.

"Thanks", she says. I nod and we continue eating. Suddenly I hear one of the babies start crying then suddenly it breaks off sharply. Anna looks at me as I look at her. We both bolt to the kids room the other children are all crying but Avery she just sits there looking at the ceiling blankly. I pick her up and put an ear to her chest. Her hearts beating slowly. Her breathings shallow. I pinch her cheek but she does not respond. I hold her as Anna dials the hospital. I'm scared. What's happening? Why is she like this? She was just fine?

What's wrong with my baby?

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