Chapter 9

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*One month later*

A sharp cry pierces the air.

"Ugh", I look over at the clock its three am. This is the third time this tonight.

A another cry joins the another.

"You have got to be kidding me", I go to roll outta bed but Eric s arms around me. He's snoring loudly. I pull his arm off me. I throw on a big purple robe over my black tank top with my plaid pj pants.

"Thank you for not getting up Eric", I grumble as I pull my hair up in a top knot and tye my robe. I walk through the play room seeing the moon shine in through the windows. As I walk into the babies  bedroom I see the babies screaming their heads off. I pick up Jacob he continues to cry. All he has on is his diaper and his hairs all spiked up. I walk over to Avery s crib and put her binky in her mouth and I do the same with her sister. Then I walk over to my rocking chair. I sit down and begin breast feeding Jacob. I stroke his hair as he eats. He looks up at me with his blue eyes and I see that they are the same color as mine. I notice that his hair is colored just like my mothers. I smile then yawn. I than remember that Eric and I have to work today. The kids are going to Chris and Wills. Suddenly Jacob let's go and falls back asleep. I put him back in his bed and kiss his head. I do the same with Avery and Zerean. After they all fall asleep I put on their night light and quietly close the door.

I realise I have a lot of time on my hands. I walk into Eric and I room. I put on black spandex pants and a black tank top. I put my hair up in a ponytail and put sneakers on. I write a note to Eric and leave it on his nightstand.
Morning Eric
Don't worry I just went for a run before we have to go to the choosing cermony and train the new inmates. I'll be back soon.
Love Tris xoxoxoxo

I kiss Eric s forehead and leave the aparment. I run through the halls till I reach the chasm. There is a small shrine at Al here. I  put a small kiss on his picture with my index and middle finger. Then I run on. I pass my favorite tattoo parlor and finally reach the gym. Lynn comes up to me.

"Hey Tris I have not seen you in forever! How are the kitty's", She asks.

"Their fine their at home sleeping with Eric", Lynn is my new trainer so that I can loose the baby weight.

"Great let's get started",

About two hours later I run back home. I find Eric in the playroom with the kids in their swings. They are all crying except Avery. Eric looks so tired he turns to me and smiles.

"Thank god your back i can't get them to stop crying but my little angels not", Eric says. I kiss him and grab Jacob I smell his diaper.

"Eric when was the last time you changed his diaper", I ask him.

"Um yesterday", Eric says. I lay Jacob down on the floor on a blanket and begin to change his diaper.

"Well maybe you should cheack that. Did you at least change Zerean?","No just Avery",

"Alright", Then I do the same with Zerean. I put Jacob and Zerean in a red baby wrap around my chest. I leave Eric in the playroom playing with Avery. That's all he ever does. Look after Avery. Play with Avery. Put Avery down for a nap. He never pays any attention to the others. Its always on me. I decide that I'll make a big dinner and that I'll start it now. Maybe I'll even have people over. I get out some ground turkey and an ornion. I take out a big knife and begin to cut the oniron. I cut it quickly and put in in a pot. Eric comes into the kitchen holding Avery.

"Babe we gotta go or we are going to be late to the choosing ceramony", Eric tells me. I nod and walk into our room. I lay Jacob and Zerean down on my bed. Zereans hair has gotten a lot darker since she was born. I walk over to the bathroom that's right off of our room. I brush my hair and do a side part and leave the bathroom. I then walk to the babies room with Jacob and Zerean. I pack their bag. I dress Zerean in a pink onsie with pink socks and put a headband with a pink flower on her head. I dress Jacob in a blue onsie and blue socks. I put them in the triple stroller with the bag in the under compartment. I push the stroller into the kitchen. Eric is standing there baby talking to Avery.

"Eric could you please put her in the stroller so we can go", I say kinda irrated. Eric walks over and places her in her seat. I grab six bottles and place them in the bag.

"Let's go", Eric says.

First we all down to Chris's and then we walk to the train. The train stops so that Eric and I can get on the train with the babies. Then everyone gets on. Chris and Will sit next to us.

"So what's the plan where are the kiddies going cause you guys are training today", Chris asks me.

"Well I thought that they could sit with us at the choosing ceremony and then well give them to you and you'll take them home. We'll pick them up when we are done with training", Eric says to Chris. Chris nods and so does Will.

Soon we arrive at the choosing ceremony. Everyone yells and runs. Eric puts his arm around my waist and I push the stroller.

"I love you", Eric says. I smile and turn red.

"I love you to",

"Tris", I hear somone yell. I turn to see my mother and father. They run up to Eric and I.

"Oh my are those the kids", Mother asks. I nod and take out Zerean. I hand her to my Mother.

"That's Zerean she's the youngest by five seconds", I tell my mother. She looks down at her. She strokes her hair.

"She's so perfect Tris", Mother says tears in her eyes. Eric pulls out Jacob and hands him to my father.

"That's Jacob he's the oldest and only boy", My father strokes his hair and kiss his head.

"Where's the third", I take Avery out of the stroller. She's wide week and sucking on her fist. I hold Avery.

"This is Avery", I tell them.

"Oh honey she looks just like you", Father says. Eric and I both nod at the same time.

"Well we better say our goodbyes", Mother says. She hands Zerean to Eric. Eric puts her back in the stroller. Father hands Jacob to Eric and he puts them in the stroller. I put Avery in the stroller. My mother kiss my cheek.

"I wish you the best and I love you", She says.

"Love you to mom" I tell her. My father kiss both my cheeks.

"I love you Tris", He says.

"I love you both", I tell them. They turn and walk away.

After the ceremony Eric and I drop the kids off to Chris and we meet the other inmates. Eric looks mean and scary. Exactly how he looked when I was an inmate. I try to make the same face. All of the inmates are smiling and laughing.

"Let's go", Eric yells over the crowd. They all get deadly quiet. Eric turns and I follow we race up the stairs.

"Ugh can we please stop",  I hear so one say. I turn around.

"Excuse me who said that", I yell over the crowd. Everyone looks at a boy with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. I walk through the crowd who part for me.

"Look kid if you don't like somthing I dont want to hear shit from you. Do you understand me", I tell him. He nods. I turn away and walk back to the front of the group. Eric and I run all the way up to the top of the building. Everyone looks at us like we are crazy. When the train passes Eric starts running and jumps on the train. I do the same. A couple of the kids follow me. I see a red headed girl trying to get on the train. She pulls herself in evechly. As the train begins to pass the dauntless building. I run and jump out of the train. I land in a crouch on the ground I stand up. Eric does the same. Some of them follow out . I see the redhead jump out and fall rolling on the ground. I turn away so I won't to help her. Eric and I walk to the side of the building.

"First jumper", I hear the net keeper call up. I look into the crowd. The redhead steps up. I see that she has curl red hair and glasses. She's dressed in blue for Erudite. She takes off her glasses and crushs them under her foot. Then she looks over the building edge and jumps.

"First jumper Ryle Prior",

That's my last name.

She's from Erudite.

She's Calebs daughter.

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