Chapter 2

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===> Continue to be Karkat Vantas

The minute I got in my room, I felt something wet on my cheeks. Was I crying? I wiped my cheek with my hand and looked at it. Now on my fingers was a translucent red liquid. Fuck. I was definitely fucking crying.

But why...?

'Because 'you're a fucking failure, that's why.'

'You're nobody. You're nothing but a fucking mutant.'

'No one loves you. And you don't deserve to be loved. You're such a fucking dickhole to everybody.'

These were all voices, whispering inside my head. But sure enough, whispering had turned into screaming. I felt the tears fall faster as I lost it. I frantically searched for that container. That container contained the object that hushed these screams. The object was sharp and made of steel. A blade. I took it out of its hiding place, and dragged it over scars I had made in the past. Pushed it into my skin deeply, making a bigger and deeper gash than I had intended, but I was upset about it. With the object still in my hand, I let out quiet sobs. My world was crumbling down fast, for Gog knows what reason. But it was. And I didn't want to be here anymore.

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