Chapter 9

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===> Be Dave. And be very, very frightened.

I don't waste time knocking. I open the door.

And what I saw almost made me sick.

Karkat was standing on a stool, blood dripping from his wrists, and a rope around his neck.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

Gamzee began to sob, but the sounds were muffled from the music playing and the multiple voices interacting. I ran to Karkat just as he stepped off of the stool, and put him on my shoulders. I had never done anything so fast in my entire life. Karkat at this point was sobbing as well.

"FUCK YOU. PUT ME DOWN. LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" He said, throwing weak punches at the top of my shoulders in attempt to get me to drop him. Soon he knew he was far to weak, and he put his face into his hands and sobbed. Gamzee grabbed a pair of scissors, and cut the rope at where it had been hanging from the ceiling. After he did so, I put Karkat down on the floor and, and crouched down facing him. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started to bawl as hard as everyone else in the room was.

"WHY COULD YOU JUST FUCKING LET ME DIE? WHY, WHY, WHY?" Karkat spoke between sobs. Gamzee had now joined us, pale purple liquid spilling from his eyes.

"The question is, best friend, why would you want to do that?" His voice was shaky. I could tell that he had try to make eye contact with Karkat, but he couldn't. It hurt him too much to see the pain in his eyes.

Why...? (A Karkat Vantas Sadstuck)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora