Chapter 8

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===>Karkat's Point of view.

My heart was beating fast, and then slow.Sobs escaped my throat as the slightest smile made its way across my face.

I admit, I was scared as fuck. But, I was also happy. This was a huge plus for everybody. I no longer had to really live with myself, nobody would have to deal with me being a complete asshole all of the time, and no grubs would be given my candy red blood. This was perfect.

Wait.... Was I sure that I really wanted to do this? This was permanent...

"Of course you do, you useless fuck. What purpose do you even fucking serve being alive?"

The voice in my head had brought me back to the moment. I was going to do this, for the better of everyone.

I took my final breath and prepared myself to to jump off of the stool. If course, that was until

There was a click. The sound of my door springing open.

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