Chapter 3

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====> Be Dave Strider.

We were all at Karkat's place. Wasn't all that cool, but whatever, a party's a party. I'm talking to Rose and Kanaya, when I realize that Karkat is missing. He must be in his room. Or, respiteblock, whatever. Regardless, he was hosting this party, so he shouldn't just leave it. I decided to go check on him and make sure that everything was... Alright. I mean, not like I was super concerned or anything, I didn't really care all that much for him. Okay, maybe I did, but lets keep that on the DL. It would be uncool if anyone knew of this.

I made my way down to his door. Instead of knocking right away, I decided to put my ear to the door, I guess to eaves-drop or whatever. When I did this, I could've sworn that I heard... Sobbing? What? That couldn't be right... Karkat was always to angry and full of hate, I'd never suspected he'd cry.... Or maybe that's why he was crying. Regardless, I was now more concerned than before. I finally knocked.

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