Chapter 6

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===> be Karkat Vantas... again.

I closed the door again. Finally, he was gone, and he minute he was, my sobs continued.

Maybe I should do this later....?

No... I didn't deserve to live another second.

I rolled up my sleeves again, and pushed the blade into my skin deeper than I ever had. I then moved the blade over to my other arm, carving the word "mutant" into my pale grey skin. My sobs were still quiet compared to the noise around me, however they had gotten louder. I searched for something, anything to take me away.

I went into the closet, and I found a rope.

That's right! When we were moving to earth, so my shit didn't get lost during the move, we tied it down with a rope. Holy fuck. Thank gog.

With it in my hands, I tied a noose, and put it around my neck, my candy red blood still spilling down my arms, the stinging pain no longer bothering me, for I was far too focused now on ending my fucking pathetic life. I stood up on a stool I had, and tied the other end of the rope onto something that clung to the ceiling. This was it. This was finally happening.

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