Chapter 7

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===> Be Dave

I walked away from the door, my heart pounding in my chest. I had to tell somebody about this. Something about his excuse and his actions just didn't add up, and his wrists... Oh fuck, his wrists. God knows what he was doing now. I grabbed the first person I saw. Gamzee. Oh, thank fuck. His best friend.


"Dave, what in the motherfuck? Why-"

"Gamzee, listen to me. Please. I think-"

Shit Dave. No. Don't you fucking dare.

"I think Karkat-"


"Karkat? What about him?" Gamzee asked, curious.

"I seriously think that Karkat-"

Shit. My voice cracked, and tears poured from my eyes.

"Dave.... Speak, motherfuc-"

"I think Karkat is going to try and kill himself." I said, only loud enough for he and I to hear.

I began to quietly sob. Saying those words broke me. Gamzee looked like he was about to do the same.

"Look... Please just come with me to his respiteblock. I'm so scared that he's going to do something stupid and... Just... Please." I said, my voice trembling.

Pale purple tears began to swim in the troll's eyes, but they didn't fall. He didn't speak, he just nodded, and with that we ran down the hallway.

Why...? (A Karkat Vantas Sadstuck)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin