Chapter 3 | St. Teresa campus

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I woke up slightly early today and went to do my morning routine by exercising and heading to shower. I slid open my built-in wardrobe and checked out the different brands of clothing I owned. I picked a white Armani top and my black leather jacket with black jeans, quickly styled my hair into a classic backcombed look before making my way down for breakfast.

I walked towards my dining room and gently pushed open the huge polished wood door, half expecting to see my dad sitting at the long glass table that could cater at least 12 people. "Good morning d-" I said before stopping to see a familiar woman.

She was wearing a white top with a red formal coat, short office skirt matching her coat and high heels. Her hair was tied back and she was leaning against the table checking her phone, probably sorting out my dad's schedule for the day. She looked up and smiled at me as our eyes met. "Good Morning Mr Raj." She chirped with her sweet voice.

"What the fuck are you doing here and where is my dad?!" I shouted angrily. I didn't like the fact that she was going to replace my mom someday, my dad was in love with her after the demise of my mother last year and she was clearly in for the money. He had moved on so quickly while leaving me alone to grieve. I could never forgive him for that.

"Um... We had a conference with foreign delegates last night and your dad asked me to stay over since it was getting late... Your Dad, Mr Sharma is attending a phone call right now, he will join you in a minute." She raised her eyebrow at my sudden rage towards her.

Without saying anything I started to dig into the buffet laid across the table. Bacon and eggs. I was halfway done eating when dad walked in "Good morning son, glad to see you didn't bother waiting up." Scoffed my dad. As he sat down next to Deepika he gave her a quick peck on her cheeks as she blushed and her cheeks turned red.

"Since it's your first day in a new college I need you to bring your bodyguards along. Don't be a pain and just take any car you like just stay out of trouble." He said, taking a bite of waffle from his plate without looking up.

"Dad, can you stop being so overprotective. I don't need guards following me everywhere in school, I need my own space and if you insist on about this I will leave the state and stay with uncle Jai!" I said angrily shoving away my plate and it fell onto the floor as I stood up to leave.

Seeing this mess, my dad looked up and glared at me. I could see his jaws clench "LEARN TO SPEAK WITH RESPECT I AM YOUR FATHER RAJ!" howled my dad getting irritated with me.

I just stood there staring at him as rage descended upon me. Dad knew I always had a bad temper just like him. In fact, worse.

"Darling, please calm down!" Said Deepika holding his hand.

"Fine, the guards will be situated outside your school premises securing it. They will not follow you into the school. Listen to me just this once, will you? Why are you so stubborn?!" sighed my dad in defeat.

I nodded and left the dining room. "What a bloody start to my day," I mumbled as I walked to the front porch to get into my polished black Ferrari.

As I started my car, Ram and Sham my bodyguards rushed over in their usual black suit and black shades. "Sir, we have orders to accompany you and secure the premises. Please stay within sight at all times."

"Fuck off" I glared pointing my middle finger before zooming out the gate.

I knew they would still follow me as they did not dare to defy orders from my dad. I rolled my eyes as I saw them in another car tailing behind me shortly.

I pulled to the school car park as many heads turned and gasped at the sight of my Ferrari.

I got out of my car and grabbed my bag pack walking straight to the principal's office.

As I made my way I saw a group of girls giggling and blushing as I passed them. I was not interested in getting into a relationship yet not after what happened in the past. Flashbacks started flooding in and I closed my eyes as I shook the thoughts away, it was a new beginning "I can't be shackled to my past." I whispered to myself softly and ignored the girls quickly walking by them.

It wasn't hard to navigate around the campus as there were plenty of signs and boards at every corner of the campus.

I stopped in front of a corner office with a door plate showing "Principal" in bold letters. I knocked rather impatiently until I heard a monotonous "Come in."

I opened the door to a big office with french glass window from which the entire school stadium could be seen. Sitting behind her neatly organized desk with a nameplate at the front which said "Ms Monica" a lady in her late 40's was scribbling and looking through a file.

I cleared my throat and she quickly glanced up "Ahhh Mr Raj! Welcome to St. Teresa college. It's an honour to have such talent to join our college. Your transcripts have just arrived from your previous school and it is exceptionally impressive, always at the top in your class." She chuckled as I just glared at her to get this over with. "Mr Sharma has always generously donated to our school. I wish you a fruitful learning journey. Let me show you to your new class as the semester just started we have assigned one of our brightest promising student to help you get settled." Chirped Ms Monica as she pushed the intercom button and announced for a girl named Anjali to come up.

"Ugh, just great. Another girl." I muttered under my breath as I massaged my temples with my fingers.

After a few minutes, I heard a knock behind me "May I come in Ms Monica?" she said softly.



Oh no! What's next?!

Till the next chapter! Love and hugs!

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