Chapter 8 | Damsel in distress

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I reached home huffing and swinging open the front door of my apartment. God, I really need to work on my cardio. My mom was still at work, and she wouldn't be back by evening as she was working on a case.

I let out a sigh as I took off my heels and entered my room. I felt tears running down my cheeks like a waterfall. I have never felt this intimidated by anyone before.

Who was this guy? I barely knew him. Why was he hitting Ash? So many questions were swirling around in my mind like a hurricane.

I mean okay, Ash can be a jerk at times, but he didn't deserve this brutality from Raj.

"Dingg!" My doorbell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly wiped away my tears and made my way to the door.

"Don't even deny it, I know you were crying!" Said Aditi as she entered my house.


"Okay, so I know you were supposed to be completing your assignment with Mr. Hot shot after school, but I saw you running away from the carpark and well, that's why I came to check on you." Said Aditi as she started scanning my kitchen to find something to munch on and her eyes caught sight of a packet of chips laying on the counter top.

Yeah, she totally made herself at home and I didn't mind it. We have known each other since pre school. My mom treats her like family and Aditi is my only go-to person. She is the god gifted sister I never had.

"It both amazes and creeps me out that you know me so well!" I mumbled and flopped down next to her on the couch.

"Save it babe, so are you gonna tell me why you ran like a rhino was chasing you?" she asked, getting straight to the point.

Ouch! Shots fired!

"Funny Aditi." I rolled my eyes. I took a deep breath calming myself down and composing my chain of thoughts before I began.

"So after school I went to meet Raj at the carpark.. I saw him.. Well.. Beating the life out of Ash!" At this point Aditi leaned in as she put away the chips she was munching, directing all her attention to me.

"Omg! Hot damn it, he is a bad boy! I bloody knew it ever since he walked through the class doors!" exclaimed Aditi, cutting me halfway.

"Well, that he made that crystal clear!" I pointed out.

"I don't know the reason behind why they were fighting, but Raj was raining hell on Ash and I had to intervene to stop him before he beat ash to death." I finished not wanting to tell her about the intimidating scene that unfolded afterwards between us.

"To be honest, Ash kinda deserved it. I mean he teases and flirts with every girl on campus! He acts like he is the alpha of the pack of jocks who are equally.. Well.. Kinda cute." she said through a mouthful of chips.

"Aditi stop being delusional. They are jerks who have the emotional range of a teaspoon. All they want is to fool around." I said with disgust before grabbing the pack of chips from her and digging in.

"So you mean to say Raj is just like them?" She asked with a hint of smirk.

"No, that's not what I said.. Raj is..." I stopped to think.

Well at this point even I was not sure on how to categorize him.

"Just disregard them Anjali, I'm sure it might have been the usual brawl between the guys about showing off their 'manliness' in fact it's pretty common on campus grounds. The daily drama between rivals and gangs." Scoffed Aditi.

"You might be right, anyways I just want to avoid him for now. Thank you for checking up on me Aditi." I sighed and hugged her.

I can't be anywhere near that demon.

"Anytime! Just saving the damsel in distress!" Aditi chuckled with another mouthful of chips.

After a few minutes, we decided to binge watch teen wolf as Aditi went on about how the show was full of hot guys that made her drool, and afterwards she started filling me in about her shopping spree at the local mall.

One thing led to another and the next thing I knew the sun had set and the sky was lit with shining stars. I had forgotten about the whole episode and became totally relaxed.

We hardly notice the time when we talk to our best friend. The best therapy ever. It's an universal fact. I'm tea positive!

"Hello Girls! How was school?" asked my mom as she entered the house and set her coat aside on the counter.

"Hey, Aunt Lara! The school was mundane. How about you? Anjali told me you were working on an important case." Smiled Aditi as she got up to hug my mum.

"Yes dear, I just came back early as I left some files here. I will be working on it tonight. Why don't you girls freshen up while I make dinner?" suggested mom.

"Sure, I will just inform my parents that I will be having dinner at your place tonight." Smiled Aditi, taking out her phone and calling her mom.

Dinner was unusually quiet. Mom casually asked Aditi about her day and turned to me to ask the same.

"It was good mom." I replied reluctantly, taking a bite. I had no appetite to eat even when mom had made my favorite pasta with grilled chicken.

Aditi gave me a side look, noticing my gloomy mood and took a sip of water.

"So... what is this new case you have been working on?" asked Aditi, trying to change the topic.

"Oh, it's a high profile case, dear. Sadly I'm not allowed to discuss this as it goes against my protocol as a lawyer. Said Lara.

The rest of the time was spent talking about Aditi's parents and their work life.

"Thank you for the dinner aunt Lara and see ya in school babe!" Waved Aditi as she left after dinner.

I took a quick shower, slipped into my pj's and lay on my bed. As much as I would love to avoid seeing him again, I still had class with him. Just great.

"Hey, honey!" the concerned voice of my mom snapped me out of the emerging thoughts.

"Hey mom!" I said trying to hide the dullness in my voice.

Damn it! It sounded like a dying walrus making out with a penguin. Wait what?!

She walked in and sat beside me on the bed and brushed her soft hands through my hair. I closed my eyes at her warm touch. "What's wrong sweety, you seem down. Did something happen in school? Did anyone say anything to you?" She asked her voice filled with worry.

Should I tell her? Oh sweet cakes! She already has enough on her own plate and I don't want to add more load on her.

"Nothing mom! Just feeling a little under the weather today. Blame it on fatigue!" I laughed trying to diffuse the brewing tension in the atmosphere.

"Alright hun, you rest well. Goodnight sweety!" She kissed me tenderly on my forehead before heading out.

I took a deep breath trying to shake away the thoughts as I rolled over to my bed lamp and turned it off before burying my face into my pillows.

Escape a demon today just to face the devil tomorrow.


Hey beautiful souls!

 Isn't anjali's mom so loving and sweet?!

Qotd: what makes you smile?

Till the next chapter! Love and hugs!

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