Chapter 7 | Brutal and dangerous

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"Hey wait up Raj! Where do you stay?" Dev said, catching up to me down the campus hall which was filled with murmurs of several students swarming around.

"In the upper hill state" I answered while walking up to my assigned locker and shoving my books in it.

"Wow! Upper hill state huh.. You must be a royalty to afford a house there!" He chuckled, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"If you put it that way... Yes. My dad Mr. Sharma is a businessman." I said, closing my locker.

"What?! Mr. Sharma? You are the son of THE Mr. Sharma?! The man who runs a diamond empire?! Wow!" He gasped, his perplexed facial expression showed that he was still trying to process the new-found information.

"Well.. Yes. But to me he is just a businessman who gives me monthly cheque and bodyguards. Nothing more." I replied indifferently while heading out towards the front lawn of the campus.

"Well, alright Raj, see you around!" waved dev as he made his way to his bicycle, parked at the school entrance before jumping on it and riding away.

He seemed like a cool guy. We would make pretty good friends. I guess I have finally made an ally in the new campus.

I turned to walk towards my parked car when I saw the guy who held anjali's hand this morning laughing with a group of jocks. My rage instantly flared up and I hastened towards him.

"Hey, everyone! Look, it's the new boy on campus." mocked one of his friends.

"He must be lost like a little pussycat, meow!" Ash scoffed while sticking his tongue out and licking the air.

I reached up to him and delivered a full swing punch just like how you hit a ball with the baseball bat. In this case, his face. He was slammed to the ground with a massive thud and lied motionless as I rained more punches and kicks aggressively.

His friends gasped and stared in horror at his motionless body that was now laying in a pool of blood.

"Who's next?'' I hissed with anger and my dark eyes, shooting daggers at them as they flinched and took a step back lowering their heads.

"Not so tough now huh?" I asked while giving him another good jab to his stomach.

The guy on the floor seemed to groan out in pain "w-who are you..?" He muffled coughing blood onto the concrete floor.

I grabbed him by his collar bending down as his bruised eyes widened with horror "Now listen to me very carefully.. If you even so much as walk in Anjali's direction again, I will freaking break your legs!" I hissed at him kicking his legs. "That same goes to all of you freaking jocks." I gave them a death glare.

"If anyone has a problem, I'm standing before you in the flesh. Come at me." I challenged them, daring anyone to approach.

"Omg! What the hell is going on here, leave him now!" a familiar voice shouted from behind me.

I took one last glare at the guy covered in blood with a bruised eye. "I'm not the forgiving sort.. Consider this a final warning." I whispered in his ear before throwing him back to the ground as he bolted away with his friends.

I turned around to face her. She looked horrified when I glared at her. She had seen a glimpse of the demon I was.

I walked up to her until our faces were inches apart and I felt her flinch, she took a step back as I took a step forward. This kept going on until she was backed to the wall. My eyes still focused on her and both my hands resting on each side of the wall trapping her sides.

She was afraid and terrified of me.


"L-Let me go!" I stammered breathing heavily.

I just saw him almost beating the poor guy Ash to death. How can someone be so merciless and heartless? I know Ash is not in my good books but I felt terrible seeing the huge puddle of blood spreading around the concrete ground.

He kept looking at me so intensely I felt shivers running down my spine. I looked up to his eyes and I saw darkness, this man had no remorse. He was brutal and dangerous.

I shouldn't have come here. I didn't want to be anywhere near this demon. I just wanted to run away.

I also hated the fact that I had tears building up in my eyes!

"Are you afraid of me?" he asked, still staring at me with his cold dark eyes and his breath felt so warm on my skin, his soft lips just an inch away from mine.

"N-No..! L-let me go.." I stammered looking down to avoid his intense gaze while fighting the urge to break down and cry. Why was I suddenly so weak? I could easily snap at any guy, but this man here was just different.. Intimidating.

He took a step back slowly, his eyes still studying me. I let out the breath that I didn't realize I was holding and ran. I ran as fast as my legs could move nearly tripping over a stone but I caught my balance.

I didn't look back, but I am sure he was still looking at me and I heard the sound of his fist smashing the wall.


Hey beautiful souls! 

Well that escalated quickly! *faints*

Qotd:  Dark storms or rainbows ?

Till the next chapter! Love and hugs!

Fated ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ