Chapter 11 | Fortified Mansion

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"... So class that is all for today, I know the summer vacation is starting next week, so I will need you to turn in your assignments before that! Any submission after the due date will not be taken into consideration." Ms. Tina announced.

The bell rang.

"Hey anjali! How is your assignment coming along with Raj, he wasn't in for class. Everything alright?" Aditi asked packing her stuff.

"Um.. He has invited me over to his place today to complete our assignment." I mumbled and packed my own.

Yeah right 'invited' more like forced me with that grave glare.

"Well, that's amazing! Lucky you! I will be starting mine in the library later on with my partner." Aditi pops a chewing gum as we slowly make our way out.

We hug each other as Aditi turns and walks towards the library as usual, making the guys turn their head to her alluring gait.

I turn and walk towards the carpark with all sorts of questions flooding into my head. Why didn't he show up in class? Did I offend him? Was he going to show up at the carpark? Would I have to do the entire assignment by myself? Am I safe with him?

The last question petrified me and I froze just at the entrance of the car park. As flashes of the fight, picturized in a cinematic view in my mind. What if this is a mistake. I should probably just go home.

I sigh and turned to leave when I felt myself bumping into something hard.

"Ouch!" I rubbed my head trying to ease the slight throbbing sensation.

"Going somewhere, love?" A deep, familiar voice asked.

I looked up. Oh sweet cakes!

Why is he always in stealth mode?

"Um.. I was not sure if you were going to show up since you were not in for class earlier on." I said looking up to a smirking Raj.

"I was caught up with something." he shrugged and walked towards his car.

I tried not to ask too many questions and just follow his lead. We walked past a few cars and then I saw the light blink of a beautiful black Ferrari! I let out a low gasp as he unlocked the car and ushered me to sit.

"Nice car." I commented as I took my seat and buckled up myself. It looked so expensive.

"Enjoy the ride, love." He smirked, putting on his sunglasses and stepping on the gas.

I felt heads turn in admiration as we left the school compound.

"So where do you stay?" I asked looking out the window as we drove by the outskirts of the city.

"Upper hill state." he mentioned casually focusing on the road.

"Oh.." I mumbled.

Well obviously, all the rich and famous families stay in the Upper hill state. I sounded so dumb, so I looked away at the side mirror.

I saw a car following us but I didn't take much notice until we were driving uphill, and they were still tailing closely behind and yet seemed to be keeping a distance.

"I don't mean to alarm you but I think we are being followed." I whisper to Raj.

He casually took a quick glance in the rear-view mirror and let out a laugh. "Don't worry love that's my security detail. Bodyguards appointed by my dad to keep me safe." He chuckled at me.

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