Voice of One

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IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER and Re:vale will be entering the same school! Oh yeah, screw the ages gɑp. This is fanfic, after all...



The weather today is okay. The sun shine not so bright. What do you expect? it isn't Japan, after all. The cloud blocked the sun but still could see it shining through the clouds. And makes a beautiful scenery. Except if a certain someone would look up instead of worrying about something.

Nanase Riku, a new student who would be enter a Music School in a few minutes from now. He woke up late today on his first day but luckily his brother woke him up before he misses the first period. His brother has gone to school early in the morning right after he has woken Riku up. Because of being late, he missed his school bus and forced to use his skateboard to go to school.

Riku lived with only his older brother who goes into the same school as him. Their parents were died in a car accident when he was still small. Their grandmother are the one who took care of them since then. But after a few years, she died because of old age. At least that was okay insted of a car accident.

Riku shook his head. Remembering about the past won't get him anywhere. He should be prepared for the upcoming embarrassment that he will be through in the first day of his school. Yeah, first day-wait no. Maybe a bit few days more? He's so rare to come to school. Health problem, you know? So he's a bit nervous.

With one last glance to his house, he step out and locked the door. Glancing around first, trying to remember which way that lead to his new school. And decided to follow the right path. He skatebording down the hill.

'And the dread is I need to walk up the hill after school. He would be worried sick after that....' he thought as he skateboarding to the school. Not forgetting to look around too. Just in case he'd lost on the way back.

The skateboard screeched to stop from moving as he has arrived in the school. The school were big even though there's not so many students who are able to enter this school. Yeah, this school is just allowed to be entered by those who were chosen.

After had enough of looking at the school, he noticed that he's being watched so he look around to see a group of 6 students staring at him. Freak out, he fleed from the place. He don't want to attract unnecessary attention such as bullies.

Ainana Group p.o.v.

As they watched the boy walked away, they start to talk to each other. Forgetting what they were doing earlier.

"That... the new student, no?" Yamato said, he's the leader of the group.

"Yeah, he is. I've heard that he'll be in the same class as us." Iori said.


A big sweatdropped on his head. "Don't tell me that you guys don't know that... Nii-san?"

"Maa, gomen gomen. We didn't pay attention to what the teacher said yesterday... because of certain someone." Iori's older brother, Mitsuki, replied.

"Oɦ Me too. I was busy.... because of certain someone." the blonde of the group said.

"Heey!!! Don't blame it to me!! I was freaked out because my favourite pudding is gone!" Tamaki protested aka The-pudding-freak.

"Tamaki-kun. It's against the rules eating in the classroom. What if you spilled your pudding all over your books? Won't it be a hassle to clean it up?" Sogo scolded him lightly. Seriously, he's just like a mother of the group.


The bell chimed, asking the students to get to their classes. As the group of six students were rushing to their class.

In Their Classroom.....

They have seated on their respective place. And now, they are waiting for the teacher to come enter the classroom and start the neverending boring lectures (except for Sogo and Iori, though.)

"Okay, Good morning class. Today, as I've said, we'll be having a new student. Please come in and introduce yourself." the teacher said, he turned to the door as he spoke the last part.

The door creacked open and the boy that those six students saw this morning walk in. "Nice to meet you. I'm Nanase Riku. Please take care of me." He said and bowed a little.

The class were quiet. Too quiet so Riku looked up just to see the shocking faces of the students. 'Am I, am I have spoke wrong just now? Why were they looking at me like that!!!???' he thought.

After a few seconds, the classroom are now filled with the students whispering to each other. Riku turned to look at his teacher, seeking for help but what surprised him was the teacher too! Staring at him like he had seen an alien.

"Does he said that he's name was Nanase?"

"I think he was just bluffing about his surename."

"A coincidence, maybe?"

"Yeah, it's not like Nanase surename is rare.............. right?"

"It's rare. You idiot!"

And the whispering keep going on and on. Riku was standing like an idiot infront of the whispering students. Luckily, his teacher has recovered from the shocked just now as he calmed the students and asked Riku to go to his seat.

On the way to his seat, he's still could feel the staring students boaring on his back. So he just ignore them and proceed to his seat.


It's a lunch break.... And Ainana group are on the way to Riku's desk.

As they have reached his desk, Riku looked up to see them smiling like an idiot. He arched an eyebrow, giving them his confused face. That looks cute to the others. Seeing no one saying anything, he's the one who spoke.

"What is it?" Riku asked, successfuly dragged them out of their train of thoughts.

"Umm... We just want-!" Mitsuki was cutted of by some classmates who has been gathering and make a semi circle at Riku's desk.

"Hey, are your surename really Nanase?"

Riku was dumbfounded by the question. Isn't he has introduced himself? "uh... Y-yes... Why did you asked?"

He was kinda nervous with all the staring students.

But luckily.....



Until next time!


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