Voice of Ten

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"Nee, Tenn-nii."

A redhead little boy tried his best to hold the weeping sound under control. Tears seems to be moistening his eyes and it looks like it was in the verge of falling. His crimson iris could not avert the gazes from the tombstones ahead of him and his brother. Tenn tightens his grip on Riku's hand, trying his best to reassure himself even though his hand were shaking. It hurts. Tenn too, silently crying inside.


"Why did the one we love the most have to leave us? Why did God have to take them away from us?" The younger could not bear to hold it anymore and let the tears falls down his cheeks. "Please tell me, Tenn-nii."

Tenn remains silent. His eyes still fixated on the tombstones' craved words of their mother and father. Thinking about the best answer to reply, he take a deep breath and looked at Riku in the eyes.

"Riku, can I ask you something?"

Riku looked at Tenn with a confuse face but nodding his head nevertheless.

"What kind of flower will you pick in a garden?"

"The most pretty one, of course."


"Because I like it."

"Then, now you got your answer."

Riku tilted his head to the side. He still did not get what Tenn has said. Since when Tenn told him the answer he seeks? All he did was questioning him about flower. The elder brother smiled a little at the confuse stare Riku gave. He looked ahead once more before looking up to the sky. The sky was so great today. No rain but there is not any sunlight piercing down on them either.

"It's a metaphor, Riku. You said you would pick the most prettiest flower in a garden because you like it, right? It's the same. God took mom and dad over us because He loves them." Tenn smiled over his own words and avert his gazes towards Riku.

"Did you get it now, Riku?"

Riku finally started to smile. A gentle smile on his face rivalling his brother.



Sun was about to set when they finally able to talk out the ghost inside Riku’s body. When everything already settled, they finally noticed that they skipped the entire afternoon session and club activities. It’s a relief Yuki and Momo did not hunt them down when the club activity had started. The light music club must be quiet in the absence of them to make a ruckus. But don’t get it wrong, they did make the club lively with their presence.

“Well, I need to go home. I have work after this.” Gaku said while stretching his body. Finally able to get out of the pressure situation.

Yamato nodded his head. “Me too.”

And one after another started to go back home except Iori, Mitsuki, Tenn and the redhead.

“So, where will you sleep tonight?” Mitsuki asked the redhead. “Also, please tell us your name, unless you want us to mistakenly call you ‘Riku’.”

“I don’t mind but the look Kujou Tenn gave me seems like he completely disagree.”

Tenn clicked his tongue and then, crouched down to pick up the black cat.

“My name is Kaito.”

“Kaito?” Iori raised a brow. He felt like he heard the name somewhere but couldn’t remember it clearly. Maybe he should take up some research.

“You will come home with me. Riku’s body couldn’t stand cold.” Tenn said while narrowing his eyes, trying to look intimidate. “I won’t let you do whatever you want with his body.”

Kaito smirked which looks completely weird to them to see Riku’s innocent face turned out like that. “Even if I didn’t try to do anything, this body was already weak.”


All the way to Tenn’s house, none of them said anything except for Riku’s meowing here and there, probably trying to start up conversation, and then, realized that he can’t. Tenn noticed Riku’s mood continuously patting Riku at the back of his ears, making him purring in delight. Kaito, on the other hand, silently watching the night sky painted with twinkling stars spreading on the entire sky. It’s a good thing this town doesn’t have too many lights on unlike at most of the cities.

Tenn stopped on a brown door of a building. Kaito looks around the house perimeter. It’s not exactly a ‘house’ but it fits only two people to live in.

“We’re home.” Tenn said while putting off his shoes, Kaito copied him before shutting the door close.

The dwi-coloured eyes looked around the house. Warm and welcoming not to mention, clean. It has been about how many times have flies after his death to enter a warm place like this, unlike the cold and breezy rooftop he always at. Even though it’s fun to scare the students away from his territory, he hated to admit he was so lonely.

“What are you thinking about?” Kaito averted his gazes towards Tenn. “Stop daydreaming and come in or do you want me to spread a red carpet for you?”

“You’re so cold. Is this how you treat your brother?”

“You’re not my brother.”

“Your guest, then?”

Tenn sighed in distress. “I would if you properly be a guest.”

“If that so, you can’t see me.”

“Then, don’t die.”

“Like I have that choice.”

Riku could only look between each other like how any third person caught in this kind of situation. He slowly understand how his friends feel whenever he, himself having argument with Iori. But not most of the times like how Tenn and Gaku did. Poor Tsunashi-san…

“Fine. You can have Riku’s room while Riku sleep with me. If I caught you did anything suspicious, I’ll hunt you down even to Hell.” Tenn said and then, walked away to the kitchen. Preparing for their dinner, maybe. Riku has been in his thought that he didn’t aware where the topics went.

“Whatever.” Kaito rolled his eyes. He then, crouched down and held his hand down to pat Riku’s head. “Your brother is so annoying. Come play with me, Riku.”

“Hey, wait!” Tenn suddenly comes out of the kitchen and hand over a mask. “You have to be careful. It’s my brother’s body you’re borrowing right now.” He said before entering the kitchen once more.

“There’s actually no need for the mask, though. He's not exactly an ordinary cat.” Kaito sighed but nevertheless, putting on the mask before Tenn caught him playing with Riku without any protection.

“I’m slowly regretting this.”


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