Voice of Four

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"he can't."

Gaku were rudely cutted off by none other than his own bandmate left, Tenn.

"what do you mea-"

"if I said he can't, then so be it." Tenn said with finality and firm.

the sudden change of tone sends shiver crawling down their spine.

this what Riku fears the most. Tenn's protectiveness can't get him nowhere. "but-!"

"you can't, Riku. Don't be so stubborn."

Gaku were shocked. so does everyone else. "Tenn, you know him?" but Gaku's question were ignored by Tenn as he was focusing on the main topic.

Right now, Riku and Tenn were staring to each other. both of them trying to make the other understand their own reasons using eyes conversation. (if that what you called it as)

the other occupations were just watched them. they slightly wondered what will happen.

"please hear me out. let me do what I wanted to do for once." Riku said desperately, trying to convience his brother.

"Riku, you were just got out of the hospital two days ago. what if something unexpected happen to you?"

Riku were silent for a moment. furrowing his eyebrows, trying to find a word to fight him back. but none came so he grabbed Tenn's hands and squeezed it.

"please.... I'm promised I'll be fine..."

"It still not enough."

"uh... then, I'll...." Riku looked down with sad face. He really wanted to go on the stage badly but Tenn disagree. He trailed of his words and bit his lip. Unable to continue it as he doesn't know what else he need to say to make Tenn agreed.

Tenn sighed. He knows this kind of behavior his brother pulled of. "okay then."

"..eh?" Riku blinked twice until the words had sunked in his brain. "eehh?? really??"

"of course. but you'll promised to step down the stage in one peace. understand?"

"roger, sir!" being happy he was, Riku saluted at Tenn. Mimicking a soldier who was just got a command.

Tenn chuckled at his way of reply. 'what a cute brother I have...' "good boy," he said while patting Riku's head.

Riku smiled at him and ran off somewhere. preparing for his performance.

and we'll be focusing on the forgotten ones. that has turned into a stone.

Gaku cracked his stone and pointed accusedly at Tenn. "who are you!? who is he!?"

Tenn looked at him and smirk. Giving him a mysterious kind of look, he turned away from the group of stones. Before he completely vanished from the stones sight, he said, "who knows. find out yourself." and walked away to who-knows-where.


He was currently skipping happily down the hall to the class. Since the class going to over soon, he head to the classroom to get his guitar and his school bag.

After the teacher had given him permission to go out early, he started skipping back to the main hall. But before he could skipped any further, he heard a sound from his right side.

being a curios little naive boy he is, he started to walked down the path, following the sound. as he got further and further, the sounds getting louder and louder. like something being banged. Riku quickly walked faster.

As he turn the hall, he saw a men toilet(?) and the someone banged the door and shouted for help. he quickly knock it back. "hey, are someone in there!?" he shouted.

the banging stopped and replaced by a panicked voice from inside. "yokatta. please help me open the door. I'm in hurry!"

hearing this, Riku quickly unlock the door and came out a tall figure that suddenly hugs him. "thank you! thank you for helping me!"

Riku was shocked by sudden contacts so he couldn't replied him.

"your name, boy?" the man said.


"I wanted to know your name so I could thank you properly. oh yeah, I'm Tsunashi Ryuunosuke. Nice to meet you" Ryuu said. Grinning widely and stretched his hand out for a handshake.

"a-ahh ... R-riku. I-it's good eh, nice... to see I mean, meet you.... too..." he stuttered. after all, who wouldn't be shaking mess if you were suddenly hugged by a stranger? they could be a dangerous. but maa, Riku is too trusting with people so he foolishly shake the oustretched hand back instead of running away.

Ryuu thanks him once again. "hey, where do you head off to? isn't it supposed to be class hour? and with those bag and guitar?"

"um... I'm heading to the main hall." he replied.

"oh really? haha! I'm heading there as well. wanna tag along?"

"sure!" Riku replied with a smile on his face and they both started to walk while chatting. Riku looked at his companion and decided to ask. "uh, I wanted to ask you something. Can I?"

Ryuu looked at him and smiled. Gesturing him to go ahead.

"why are you heading to the main hall?"

"because I'm going to perform today with my groupmates. aahhh... I hope they won't be fighting with each other..."

this caught Riku's interest. "what performance?" "a shuffle turns from the three top groups..." Ryuu looked at him weirdly. Does he not know? "I'm TRIGGER's member. and we're going to perform today at the main hall."

hearing this Riku stopped on his tracks. making Ryuu goes ahead walking by himself. Riku looked down. 'even though I finally got permission from Tenn-nii to perform. This happened?' tears start to fall down his cheeks.

Ryuu stopped on his tracks after realizing he's just walking alone. He turned.around and sae Riku hiding his face under his bangs. Worried, Ryuu approach him and asked him as gently as he could. Not wanting to scare the boy. "Riku-kun, daijoubu desu ka?"

Riku looked up to meet his eyes. To be truth, Ryuu was mesmerized by Riku's eyes. His eyes were like a shining red sunset that wet by Riku's tears. And then on, Ryuu swear to himself to protect this boy. So he stretched out his hand and patted Riku's hair. "If you have a problem, just tell me okay? I'll introduced you to my friends so you won't get lonely."

Riku widened his eyes. "How did you know that I'm new here?"

Ryuu smiled widely at him. "It's beacause I am me and I know the faces that studies here."

Riku nodded before smiling sadly. 'Somehow, I'd feel bad for TRIGGER and the students whose really looked up for their performance if I keep being selfish. Next time, then. Next time I'll bribe Tenn-nii to let me perform. With the help from doughnuts of course.'

He stared at Ryuu's smiling face before smiling brightly again. "Arigatou...!"


Gaku was restless, so does everyone else. The time's ticking and there's not even a silhouette of a boy named Nanase Riku that had boldly declared that he wants to be substitute for today's performance.

He run his fingers through his hair as he plopped down on a chair with a sigh. "Where is he...?"

They were worried. What if something had happened to Riku as to what had happened to Ryuu ?

'15 minutes more... what should I do...?' Tsumugi thought as she frequently looking at her watch. She was surprised when Nagi and Mitsuki suddenly shouted.

"Oh...! He's coming...!"

"Yeah...! With some... one..."

Mitsuki trailed getting attention from everyone. Curious who is this someone he saw.

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