Voice of Two

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"Hey, hey, It's not a nice thing to cut off someone's words." Mitsuki said. He noticed Riku's uncomfortable with all of the attention he's getting. So he decided to butted in.

The students realized that quickly turned to looked at them Seeing Ainana group standing there, staring at them, their face gone paller.

"I-I'm-We're so sorry, Mitsuki-san!! We'll be leaving now!" one of the students stuttered. She bowed at the group and quickly leaved the classroom, followed by the other students.

"Um... Thank you for..... saving me... just now..." Riku said, a bit unsured.

"Maa, don't mention it. No worries, we're not going to integorrating you." Mitsuki smiled at him as he stretched out his hand.

"My name is Izumi Mitsuki! Nice to meet you!" he said.

Riku smiled back at him and grabbed Mitsuki's hand, and shake it. "Nanase Riku! Nice to meet you too!"

"Huh? Nanase? Do y-"

"Nii-san, you said you won't be integorrate him. By the way, I'm Izumi Iori. Mitsuki's younger brother." Iori cutted him off as he introduced himself.

"A-ah!! Sorry! Sorry! My bad... Iori! Didn't I said it's not a nice thing to cutted off someone's words!?"


"Yotsuba Tamaki. Nee, Rikkun. Do you want to eat together with us?" Tamaki said.

Being the most tallest in the group make it easy for Riku to see him. But...

"Eh? Rikkun?" he couldn't help but asked him that.

Sougo chuckled after seeing Riku's confused face. "Maa, don't mind him, Riku-kun. My name is Osaka Sougo. Tamaki-kun just like to called people their nicknames."

"Oh... okay then. If it's alright having me."

"Of course, it's okay. Hello, I'm Rokuya Nagi. Nice to meet you."

"Nikaidou Yamato. After eating, we'll show you around the school."

"Eh... how kind of you Yamato-san... ususally you'll be like, 'Onii-san has something to do so I'll give Sougo and Mitsuki incharge of the group.' when you were just going to take a nap somewhere."

"Shut up, Mitsu. Nap is also an important thing too." 'Besides, I'm suddenly interested in this new kid. Every possibility has come into my mind. I just need to confirm it... What a pain...'


On their way to the rooftop, they couldn't help but bickering with each other. Gaining a lot of attention from the students. But maa, being a third popular group in the school has it beneficial too except the fact that those crazy fangirls. Luckily they're not getting chased at today... as they proceed to the rooftop. The place that they always been at.

At the rooftop, as they eating and chatting, suddenly a certain topic came out.

"Nee, isn't TRIGGER going to perform after the school hours today?" Yamato said.

"Un. It's their turn to make this Music school lively."

"Oh... so it's not our turn? How disappointing..."

"Nagi, don't say that... us three groups have our turn." Mitsuki said while cleaning his lunch box.

Riku, who's still clueless about what happened decided to asked. "Um... what do you meant by that, Mitsuki-san?"

"Huh? Don't call me that. Just call me Mitsuki!!" that was his answer.

"Sigh... I knew it you don't know about our school... I don't understand how did you even get in this school. You hadn't told us your talent yet." Iori said, a bit harsh.

"Iori-kun, that's so mean. Sorry about his behavior, Riku-kun. He didn't meant it like that." Sougo apologised to Riku.

Riku nodded but shot the ravenette a heat glare. "Then, tell me about this school. From A to Z."

"Are you challenging me, Nanase-san?"

The rest of the group just stared at their bickering.

"Hey, is it me or I suddenly have a feeling that they would be a good duo?"

"This is the first time I see Iorin fight with someone other than nagging."

"Maybe.... Maybe someday, they would be the one who put a very strong trust to each other."

"Noted that, Nagi. But first, let's calm them down."

"Yeah. Hey!! Both of you stop fighting or else I'll forced you to kiss each other!" Huuuh.... what am I saying? But oh well... their faces were so close. One light push.... First kiss, bye-bye. Yamato treathened them.

Upon hearing that, they quickly backing one another.

"Ahem.... So, to answer your earlier question, Riku. This school trained many musician across the world. But the only stand out group were just five. The fifth, DuO, the fourth, Strawberries, the third, us, Ainana, the second, TRIGGER and the first, Re:vale. But the fourth and the fifth aren't that popular and most population of the student were not into their group.... Moving on! The three remaining groups is like the school's idol. We, like an idol group, entertain them and give them visual stimulus to what and how to handle stages in a live concerts. Are you catching up so far?" Mitsuki stopped.

After getting a nod by the redhead boy, he continue.

"You see, not all people could enter this school. You'll need to do audition first and the teacher will determined if you are chosen or not. By the way, how did you enter this school? I thought that the school won't allowed any new student after first and a half semester." Mitsuki asked to Riku.
"I don't know. About the audition, yeah? I've passed it. Maybe that's why. Aside from my brother forcing me, though." he replied, looking at the ground below and enjoying the breeze.

"Maa... it can't be help then... We have introduced ourselves to you, haven't we? So, I'll be telling you about our senpai. Re:vale! First, Momo and Yuki. The group only has two members.... so yeah.... And the second rank, TRIGGER. The leader, Yaotome Gaku, the center, Nanase Tenn and the one who always act like a peacemaker on both of them, Tsunashi Ryuunosuke!!" Mitsuki shouted.

"Why did you suddenly shouti-Eh?" Riku abruptly stopping himself. Blinking twice, and the reality hit him. Hard.

"Eeeehhhh!!!??? Nanase Tenn???!!" this time, it was Riku's the one who shouted.

"What the! Don't suddenly shout infront of my face!" Mitsuki scolded him.

"Ahhh.... Now you understand why the class looks at you like that when you speak out your name. You have the same surename as The Nanase Tenn. They could think the both of you as a siblings." Iori stated.

"Uh... Actually, Nanase Tenn is my brother."

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