Voice of Three

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In the end, some of them believe in him and some of them are not. But Riku just brushed it off. He knows that Tenn is way more better than he is and way more cooler. So he isn't that much effect by it.

After lunch break over, they were preparing themselves for another boring time in the class but suddenly Yamato's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID, Manager, it read. So he quickly pick up the phone call and the others just stared at him.

"Hello, Manager. Is there something you need?"

'Hello, Yamato-san and yes. It looks like we're in a bit trouble here regarding the performance after school.' A woman's voice answered him back. It sounds like she was in panick.

"Okay... Isn't it TRIGGER's turn today? I'm pretty sure they would smooth it down as what they usually do. Is there something wrong?"

'Ah. There is! It seems that Tsunashi-san's still not arriving in any minute now. And everyone is panicking! He was supposed to be back by now! We were worried something might happened to him.'

"Aaahh... Is that so... We'll meet up at the back stage. ASAP."

'Alright. Thank you Yamato-san!'


Yamato turned off his phone and slid it down to his pocket. He turned to look at the group with a serious gaze.

"So, what's up, Yamato-san?" Mitsuki asked after seeing their leader putted on such face. "It's Manager, isn't it?"

"Yeah and we need to meet her at the back stage now." he answered.

"Back stage? Why?" Sougo asked a bit confused.

"Something's up. No time for explaining."

With that been said, they quickly ran down the stairs, passed the school's halls, to the back stage that were located at the main hall.

"Minna-san!" a female voice yelled at them and they looked around and saw a woman running to them. "Minna-san, I'm sorry to take your time studying in the class for this."

"No, it's okay." Yamato said, reassuring their manager.

"So what's the matter, Manager?"

"Yeah, it's so rare to call us on TRIGGER's day."

Tsumugi bit her lip. She really don't want to trouble the boys. But....

Taking a deep breath, she starts to explained about how Ryuu didn't showed up yet and about how's the time getting nearer. She've asked some people to search for him but the result is still the same.

"What should we do now? Oh, hey, it's TRIGGER! They're coming!" Nagi said after seeing Gaku and Tenn as well as their own manager, Anesagi, walking towards them. No sign of Ryuu's presence.

"Huuuuhhhh... Did you guys have come up with a plan, yet?" Anesagi asked the group.

A shook from the group answered her(?). "I hate to say this but TRIGGER can't perform with just 2 members. Substitute were needed." Tenn said as he looked at Yamato.

"What? Why are you looking at me like tha-! Don't tell me...."

"It can't be help. We need IDOLiSH7 to perform on today's sti-"

"We can't." Iori cutted him off.

Tenn raised one of his eyebrows and sending a gesture to let Iori continue. "Nikaidou-san need to see school's drama club teacher today."

"Whaaaattt... it's today? I thought it was tomorrow." he said.

"Yamato-san, you're getting old."

"Don't insult me, Mitsu."

And they were back on the square one.

As they were thinking, a sound of running footsteps could be heard and it's getting nearer and nearer. They looked around and spot a redhead running towards them.

"...Riku.." Tenn muttered under his breath but no one heard him because of their eyes and focus were on the running redhead.

Riku halt in his step. Panting slightly and say something that they couldn't believe what he says.

"Please, let me perform...!"

Tenn widened his eyes. It looks like the word 'perform' sends shiver down his spine.

Gaku raised an eyebrow upon hearing the sudden request from a stranger. "what are you saying? are you sure wanted to perform? oh yeah, I've never saw you around the school before. are you perhaps a new student here?"

"ah... that's exactly what I wanted to ask, Gaku." Anesagi said as she put her hands on her hips.

"...uh... y-yes..." Riku stuttered a little after seeing his older brother standing next to the white-haired man infornt of him.
"huh? what yes? the perform one, or the transfer student one?"

"...um.. both..." he tried to ignore Tenn's stares that could make him ask for apologies for saying such thing.

He knows that Tenn won't approve of what he did and he knows that Tenn is a bit of a protective mother-like figure to him than a brother. But he also knows that he has the right to choose his life so he wanted to take a step forward. Out of his comfort zone. "so, can I?"

They wondered if the redhead is a naive person or simply a short minded to have said such thing.

Iori sighed as he knows that no one would say what they were thinking so being who he is, blurted out his words.

"are you an idiot?" "w-wha-!" "you can't just simply wanted to perform on the stage for fun."

Riku furrowed his eyebrows as he glared at Iori. "what was that for!? I come for help! and it wasn't just for fun! I was just... just... just wanted to prove myself worthy to be part of the school! you're the one who says that I should show my talent..."

"yes, I did say that but it was so sudden. what I wanted to say is that you'll get booed at since the students really looked up to TRIGGER's performance today."

"Iori... you're, you're.... um... uh.. you're an idiot!" Riku struggled to find an insult for Iori as a sign that he wanted to protest.

Everyone sweatdropped at the moment by his choice of words.

"what are you? a kid?" 'what a cute guy he is...' yup, what a tsundere person Iori is.

"huh... it can't be help. Then, could you do th-"

"he can't."

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