Voice of Eleven

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A pair of red eyes stared at the night sky, unblinking, not even once. A lot has happened ever since that one fateful day. The stars twinkling brightly even though the cloud seems about to darken and cover them all. Admist all of this, he didn't care as he stood there without a sound. From this closed window, he could see some people still awake in this late hour. Probably doing some extra jobs or just having other things to do in the late night.

A light movement caught him back to reality as his red eyes advert his gazes towards the sleeping figure covered with a blanket. His ears twitched slightly upon hearing some incoherent mumbles from the other. He jumped off from the windowsill and jumped back up to the bed where the other is sleeping soundly.

With a little effort, he pulled the blanket up with using his teeth and cover the other fully with it. Licking his cheek twice in an alternative way to say, 'sweet dreams', he wriggle his body in a pair of arms. Purring in delight when the warmth of the other seeping slowly into his body before falling asleep.


Soft reddish pink eyes flutterd open and immediately shut back close when the sunlight hits right at the eyes. With still fuzzy mind after just woke up, Tenn wondered if he has forgot to close the curtain last night. Slowly sitting on the bed, he could feel softness of fur beneath his palm. Tenn smiled softly when he sees the black cat still sleeping soundly while snuggling at his hand. 

He decided to take a picture of the cute moment before relucantly waking up the cat. 

"Riku, wake up. It's already morning." Tenn said while caressing the back of Riku's ears. Wrong move, instead of waking up, Riku started purring in delight by the soft touches Tenn gave. Seeing that Riku didn't heed to his words, he scooped the cat onto his arms.

With the sudden motion, Riku open his eyes, showing his peculiar red colours to Tenn. His glass-like slitted iris stared at Tenn for a few seconds before stretchig himself up. Riku then, jumped from his arms to Tenn's shoulder and lick his cheek, trying to say, 'Good morning, Tenn-nii.'

"That tickles! Stop!" Tenn chuckled but not long after that, loud crashing sound from downstairs gained their attentions. Tenn almost forgot that Kaito is in the house as well. 

Without wasting anymore time, Tenn rushed downstairs with Riku still on his shoulder. Both of them equally curious about the sound. But Tenn was more worried about what the stupid ghost in their house doing.

It actually surprised Tenn. No, scratch that, who won't be surprised if the first disaster in the morning would be the kitchen and on top of that, by some spirit who should supposed to be sit in the living room like an obidient guest.

"What are you doing? Why is my kitchen looks like a war had happened in here?" Tenn wasn't pointing anywhere but Kaito looked around himself like he finally realized his surroundings. 

"Oh, good morning, Nanase Tenn." Kaito greeted while raising his hands up while smiling innocently. It actually work somehow and Tenn blame it all on Riku's face. "Did you get a nice sleep last night?"

"Don't sweet talk me, Kaito. What were you trying to do?"

"It was purely an accident! I was slipped and it fell with the others… broke…" Kaito bit his lower lip and exhaled slowly. "Sorry..."

A brow was arched up but Tenn sighed the annoyance away. Well, at least he was sincere about all of that. It looks like the ghost was a real clumsy back in his life before and now as well.

Tenn puts Riku off from his shoulder and ordered Kaito to go to the living room with Riku while he clean up the broken glasses and ceramics that scattered on the floor. After that, he proceed on making breakfast before going off to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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