Voice of Six

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Chirp chirp

The bird were chirping happily outside. Tenn opened the curtain and the window. Looking for a while at the outside view and proceed to do his usual morning routine. After that, he goes to Riku's room to wake him up.

Knock knock knock "Riku, I'm coming in now." he said even though he knows that Riku won't reply.

Tenn approached Riku's sleeping figure that still bundled up by the comforter. Tenn sitted on the bed beside him and shake him up. "Riku, wake up. You'll be late for school." He said gently.

"Mmh... five.. more.. minut..." Is what he got replied.

Tenn sighed. He stood up and pulled the cover, revealing Riku in his pyjama, still sleeping. "If you won't wake up now, you'll be late for school just like yesterday. Do you want to go to school using that skateboard again?" Tenn scolded him lightly.

"...... ugh... I don't mind..."

Tenn's eyebrow twitched slightly. "If you won't wake up now, you'll skip the breakfast. It's a waste to make such a delicious pancake when no one would eat it..." Tenn muttered while smirking. He knows that Riku will hear it no matter what. It's his favourite breakfast after all.

And truth to be told, Riku jolted up. Completely awaken. "Will you be putting honey on it?" Riku suddenly asked. Eyes still slightly in daze.

Tenn chuckled at his childish behavior. "Most people would pour syrup instead of honey, Riku. But oh well, I'll do it for you." he said and ruffled Riku's messy hair. "Now go take a bath."

Riku nodded his head and make a dash out straight to the bathroom. Not before grabbing his clothes and towel.

After that, he walked downstairs to meet with a nice familiar smell came from the kitchen. Riku open the door and saw Tenn is still cooking for their breakfast. Riku decided to help him.

"Tenn-nii, do you need help?" Riku asked. Tenn turned around, a bit surprised by the sudden presence of his little brother but he smiled nonetheless.

"Ohayou, Riku."

"O-ohayou, Tenn-nii."

"You sure wanted to help me? I'm almost done though." he asked as Riku nodded his head.

"Well then, you can put the honey on it." Riku nodded and took a bottle of honey from the cabinet. He walked to the table where the pancakes were placed before stop abruptly. 'Pancakes? Ah...'

Riku turned to his brother who was still distracted by the dishes that need to be cleaned. "Tenn-nii, do you want syrup or honey?"

"Hm..." Tenn hummed as he stopped from the work and turned to Riku. "I don't mind either of it." he said before smiling. "But I wanna try the honey that Riku come to love so much. So I'll be taking honey then."

"Okay!" Riku beamed before both of them proceed to do their work.


"Riku, remember to stay behave, okay?"

Riku pouted. "Mou Tenn-nii, I'm not a child anymore, you know..."

Tenn shrugged his shoulders. "Can't be help." Tenn said.

They were currently inside of the school ground as Tenn watched the students walking towards the school building. Some of them were chatting to each other and some of them were still scattering everywhere and only come in when the bell rings.

He saw TRIGGER members, Tamaki, Sougo and Nagi come to his way as Riku waved at them eagerly. "Ohayou, minna!" "Ohayou." Tenn nodded at them as they replied the same greeting back.

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