Voice of Nine

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"Hey, Rikkun, are you alright? You're giving me a creep." Tamaki said as he stepped aside to stand behind Sougo if anything bad decides to happen. Sou-chan is strong and scary, after all.

Upon hearing his name, the redhead turned his head but his long lock covered his expression, only his thin straight lips in view.
The black cat besides his leg, stopped licking its paw-if the situation wasn't a bit off, Iori would probably kidnapped the cat. The cat's slit yellowish golden eyes stares at them creepily before walking towards Tenn. Tenn blinked when the cat sit and looked up to him silently.

They startled when a soft whispering laugh coming from the redhead rings in the air as they turned to look at him. Riku's straight-line lips curled up a bit as he smirked.

"So, he recognized you, Nanase Tenn-san." The redhead spoke with a gentle voice as he turned around completely at the group, smiling when they noticed something different with the redhead.

The young teen's left eye was covered by his long lock while his right eye was mixed with a hint of onyx swirling in the sea of bloody red with an odd looking star in it. The redhead laughed softly after seeing their reaction.

"Who the hell, are you?" Tenn growled, shocking his friends.

"Hm? I am coming from hell. Why don't you guess?" The redhead said playfully, un-effected by the black aura Tenn has mustered unconsciously.

"H-hell!?" Tamaki yelled, terrified by the word.

Tenn gritted his teeth. "I have no time playing with your stupid game! Go back to hell!"

The redhead tilted his head to the side. Due to his movement, his left eye was now visible, showing the group a blank carnelian with no life shine in it. It is kinda creepy to see those mismatched eyes staring at them filled with mischievousness, making them feels useless against whoever controlling Riku's body.

The redhead turns around and walks towards the fence.
Everyone was freak out when he jumped up and balances himself on the fence, avoiding from falling into the other side. With less affords from doing so, he turned back at them while shoving both of his hands in the pocket, smirking when he saw many terrified faces being showed at him.

"What are you doing!?" Mitsuki yelled in panic. After all, one light push, the redhead could fall.

"Going back to hell just like what Kujou Tenn-san ordered."

"Leave Nanase-san alone!"

"I am. I leaved him alone." Seeing many confusion faces being shooted at him, he pointed at Tenn's leg-more like, he pointed at the cat besides Tenn's leg as they follows his pointed finger.

"That is who you were asked me to leave alone." He said.

Everyone was shocked to hear it as they glanced at the black cat besides Tenn.

"This body is mine now." He added while laughing in satisfy.

"No it's not! That's Rikkun's body!" Tamaki shouted in anger, his earlier fear were quickly forgotten, seeing one of his friend like this, he can't be selfish.

"Now it's getting worse than I thought." Ryuu whispered at Gaku as he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. I thought we could just exorcist him or something." Gaku whispered back at Ryuu.

The redhead's smirk vanished instantly. "It is mine! Now I've got the chance to do what I wanted to do, there's no way I'm gonna give it back to that person!" He shouted back at Tamaki.

Tamaki was about to step forward but Sougo restrained the light blunette from giving the young teen does whatever he was about to do-probably punches the redhead's face or something.

"What exactly you wanted, um..." Sougo tried to provoke but he hesitated, as he does not know what to call the person in front of them, because he knows that he was not Riku they know.

The redhead scowled as he hides his eyes under the red locks. "I want him to die in my hand just like what he has done to me." He whispered loud enough for them to hear.

Tenn looked down when he felt something brushes his leg. The black cat raised his hands and clawed at Tenn's jeans. Understanding what he means, he scooped Riku up and positioning him securely in his arms. Tenn gritted his teeth when he sees his little brother in this kind of state but sadly; he cannot do anything to force the culprit to hand over Riku's body back.


"You said that you wanted someone to die, right? Who is this someone?" Tenn demanded, shocking everyone by his words. "Depending on what your answer is, we'll have a talk."

The redhead sneered at Tenn. "Do whatever you want to do but let me tell you something," he paused. "That person has already dead. There's nothing you could do about that and you can't save your beloved little brother no matter what kind of way you used."

Hearing this, Tenn's expression becomes darker. "Better than you, a dead person who bear a grudge against another dead person. Now, isn't it sounds pity?" Tenn glared darkly at the redhead as he emphasized the 'dead' word. "Such a pitiable person like you disgusts me."

"Tenn! That's enough!"

Ryuu yelled as Gaku quickly clamped Tenn's mouth, afraid that Tenn would say something more than he should be saying.
Tenn ignored Ryuu's yell as he and the redhead clashing glares with each other. The more seconds ticking past, the more intense they glared towards each other.

Seeing the situation becomes dire, Mitsuki tried to ease the tension but halt himself from saying something. He knows this is not the time for some useless jokes, but what can he do? Yamato sense the auburn-haired male's inner turmoil begins to think too.

"What if... we offered you something else?" Yamato started, biting his lower lip, he resumes his talk, a bit hesitated. "We'll let you do anything as you like under some circumstances; you will not doing anything relate to harm Riku and after finishing your stuff, give Riku his body back."

Everyone looked at Yamato as if he has grown another head. It is risky to let the ghost do as he like but Riku is the main priority right now. It is probably the only thing that comes into the greenette's mind.

They turned towards the redhead for the answer, impatiently waiting while hoping that whatever comes out of his mouth is a good thing.

At Tenn's arms, Riku silently watching their actions, letting them do what they wants as he aware he's useless at this kind of state.

"Okay, it's a deal. You will let me do whatever I want in return, I give this body back."

"Under the circumstances." Tenn quickly added.

"Under the circumstances." The redhead nodded in agreement.

"So what would you do?" Mitsuki finally said.

"Let me borrow this body for a day. I wanted to go to school for the last time."

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