Chapter 8

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This chapter was a pain in the ass, pretty sure I rewrote it four different times and I'm still not happy, but I've made you wait long enough :) Thanks for being patient and wonderful while I finished my finals, you're the best! Hope you enjoy this one...Happy reading!


"Drop it right now, Mister!"

The silent thief in question stiffens, obviously surprised at being caught red-handed with one of the fresh-baked buns I'd just pulled from the oven. To be honest, if it hadn't been for the subtle shift in the air behind me, I wouldn't have even known he'd been there. He should think about becoming a spy or something with those skills, the random thought makes me smile. All of them are smart enough to be FBI agents or something even though we're barely adults, and I can envision them saving people and going on top-secret missions and such.

Forgetting those ridiculous thoughts, I turn back to the blond thief who dared to enter my domain. Since my throat is still healing, I choose to raise a single eyebrow at him rather than speaking.

"How did you know I was here?" He blurts out, and I smile at his expression, a mix of confusion, frustration, and a little awe.

Shrugging, I turn back to the gigantic pot of taco soup on the stove before answering. "The air shifted."

A strange sort of sputtering sound comes from Luke's direction, and a glance over my shoulder shows his mouth hanging wide open. "You'll catch flies," I tell him, trying not to fidget under his direct stare. It seems to do the trick because his jaw snaps shut as he smiles at me.

"Very funny, Shaw. But seriously, you really knew I was here because the air shifted?" At my hesitant nod, he starts bouncing on the balls of his feet. "That is so awesome! You have to teach me! Are you like a superhero with secret powers or something? How did you learn to do that?" He spits out his words so fast I barely have time to understand them all, let alone answer them when the others start to filter into the kitchen. Great.

They all comment on the wonderful aromas coming from the stove and oven, causing my face to heat when Nathan seems to notice the bouncing blond boy next to me.

"Smells great, Shaw. Why is Luke acting like he ate his bodyweight in chocolate?" I smile at the description, his excitement is definitely similar to his reaction to large quantities of sugar.


"Shaw can feel the air move!" Luke's excited shout cuts off whatever blundered explanation I would have given, an they all turn to stare weirdly at him.

Gabriel steps forward, hands held up in a placating gesture like you would approach a crazy animal. "Alright buddy, were those brownies you made earlier the special kind? 'Cause you sound fucking high talking about feeling fucking air moving," he jokes and jumps out of the way when Luke hurls a bun at his head.

"Hands off the buns!" I tell him sternly, not exactly realizing how that sounded until they all start laughing at me.

Luke holds his hands up like he's surrendering. "Sorry, I'll be good now. Promise." I wait 'till he turns back to the others to roll my eyes. "No, I did not eat special brownies Gabe! If you could have waited two more seconds for me to explain, I would've elaborated on the fact that Shaw freaking caught me when I tried to steal a bun!" At that their laughter stops.

I grow increasingly uncomfortable under the intense scrutiny from all seven of them, something Kota must be able to tell because he clears his throat and draws the attention away. He's wonderful that way.

"How? Even I have trouble catching Luke when he's actually trying to be stealthy," he asks, and I take back every thought I just had about him being wonderful as they all look to me again.

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