Summer Vacation!

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I sigh as the bell rings releasing me from class. I gather my text books and put my binder in my backpack. I put my headphones in my ears and started playing my music as I walked out of the classroom door.

I open the locker and put my text books inside and closed it. I'm so glad Junior year ends next week. All we have to do is take final exams. Then I'm free for three months. Until I have to start my senior year. Oh god!

I was not ready got that. Why can't this nightmare be over already.

I turn away from my locker and was about to walk away until I bumped into someone. Next thing I know I'm on my butt.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention ." Said a voice.

"No your all good. It was also my fault I was lost in thought and wasn't paying attention either." I reply. He held out his hand to help me up.

"I'm Xach Carson by the way I just moved here." He says and he holds out his hand again but this time for me to shake.

"Katherina Lupus, but my friends call me Kat." I say and shake his hand.

"You say you just moved here. What were you looking for?" I ask.

"Locker 225?" He says it like a question.

I place my hand on the locker to the right of mine, "That's right next to mine. This locker has been empty all year. I've been wondering who was going to fill it."

He put in the combination and placed that little things that he got from his classes today. I don't know why they decided to give him a locker. School let's out in two weeks. Whatever, not my problem more paperwork for them.

"Thank you Kat I really appreciate your help. Again I'm sorry for knocking over." He said and offered me a handshake again.

"No problem. Don't worry about knocking me over. Nothing's broken or bruised." I say and accepted his hand.

"I got to go, but I'll see you later. It was nice meeting you Xach." I say walking toward the double doors.

"Nice meeting you too." He said.

I walked outside to my car unlocking the doors and throwing my backpack in the backseat.

After I pulled out of the Phoenix High school parking lot. I looked into the review mirror. To see Xach looking directly at me.


I pull into the driveway of my families mansion and put my car in park. Grabbing my bag from the backseat and locking the car I walk inside.

"I'm home!" I yell throughout the house.

I walk to the kitchen to find my mom making dinner.

"Hey honey. How was school?" She asked.

"Oh my gosh, I can not wait until summer. Then next year I only have to take one class." I reply dramatically. Sitting on the bar stool.

"That bad huh?" She laughed.

"Not so much. When I was leaving the school I met this guy. He had just moved here. Knocked me over. On accident of course." I say and look over at her to see her staring at me with shocked eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You met a boy that's amazing."she says jumping up and down like it was Christmas.

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