Family Heritage

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We drive in silence. All that was heard was the roar of the engine. When we finally stop it's in a forest.

"What are we doing here?" Lily asked.

"She can't track us if we are in the woods. Every house has a sent a smell that she can follow. Our scent is covered in the woods, it covers our smell." I explain.

"Everyone we need to set up camp before it gets dark." I look at all of my friends and my boyfriend.

"Xach come with me we need to get supplies." I say and walk toward my car.

"Wait. Aren't you going to tell us what is going on?" This question comes from Derek.

"I will, when camp is set up and you all are safe." I get in the drivers seat and Xach in the passenger seat.

I race off down the treat to the nearest Walmart. There was complete and utter silence coming from Xach. He said nothing the whole ride. I was getting worried.

When we arrived at the Walmart I bought food to last us at least a week, water, and a cooler to keep it cold until we cook it. I also bought a can opener and a box of plastics silverware with lots of rope, just in case. Then I bought a bag of ice.

We arrive back at the campsite and to find that they had built a fire and grabbed as many large branches as the could find. They were sitting around the fire. The sun would set in about three hours.

"Can you explained things now?" Emma asked.

"We still don't have any shelter." I said.

"We thought you had bought tents while you guys were out. Don't tell me you didn't." Lily asked.

"That would be a waste of money." I say.

"Why would that be a waste of money?" Derek asked.

"Because I can make my own." I reply and I tie my hair up.

I sit down on a log that is in front of the fire. I look around and everyone is standing and staring back and forth between the tents and me.

"You guys asked what was going on. Sit down and I'll explain." I say and they all take a seat.

I took a deep breathe. The was nothing else I could do I had to tell them now it was for their own safety. I sighed.

"Over three thousand years ago the moongodess gave birth to three children that could turn by the will of the full moon. They were called Lycans or, as you know them, werewolves. Others alienated them for what they were. Some admired their beauty. And some feared their power. The people calmed that they would not hurt them, not that they could if they wanted to, so long as they were kind and giving. The werewolves broke their word, but on accident. For the moon transforms then into a beast of great destruction that they cannot control. They hated them once more. Until a young queen and sorceress created three magical pendents that can control their transformations. Each going to one of the three wolves. A thousand years later, two pendents we're destroyed in a war that had past between the Lycans and the humans. For the pendents did not only help control their power it also grant the same power as the werewolves to anyone that wore it. As time pasted on the three Lycans made three Royal Families. They reproduced hundreds of wolves over the years making their species stronger. But know of them were as strong as the original Lycan famiies. The pendent was intrusted ti the head of the most powerful family of the three. The first born child of the moongoddess. They are to guard it with their life. One family is the Lobo family. Another is the Vūlk family." I finish leaving out one family.

"What is the last family? The one that rules them all?" Jack asked.

"The...................Lupus Family."

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