A Night Out, Are You Serious?

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Sometimes I wish I didn't have wolf hears. I can hear everything around me. Even the woohoo time Lily and Derek were having next door. My god these walls are too thin for werewolves, I figured Andrew would at least know that we can hear through walls.

Tossing and turning trying to take a nap, knowing that it's wasn't going to happen. Any werewolves would know to make the walls of there home think. I mean it's logic. Nobody would be able to get any sleep if they could hear what was going on in the other room.

That was it, I had had it. I throw the blanket off my legs and marched out of my room. Emma had gone off somewhere with John and I'm hoping they aren't causing any trouble like my best friend and her boyfriend are.

I stop in front of Emma's door and bang on it as any human would. Didn't want to pay for a new door.

There was shuffling around and I bagged on the door again.

"Just a second!" Someone yelled from the other side. Lily it sounded like. At last the door finally opened with Lily wrapped in a bed sheet and Derek covering his junk with a pillow.

"Hey what's up Kat?" Derek said. Lily looks me up and down from my messy ponytail, to my spaghetti strapped shirt (one of the strings hanging off my shoulder), to my very tiny shorts that I only use for sleeping.

"I'm only going to ask this once and I'm going to try and be as nice about it as possible since I love you guys. I have been listening to you two for the past two hours. Keep it down!" I flash them my blood blue eyes.

"Yea sure thing. Sorry for disturbing you." Lily says and closes the bedroom door.

Walking back to my room with a smile on my face, feeling very accomplished. I open my door and walk to my bed. Ready for a very soothing cat nap. I know it's weird, a wolf calling a nap a cat nap. To be honest I actually like cats.

When I finally layed down and had the blanket over me just as I was about to close my eyes someone knocks on my door.

"Are you kiding me? Somebody better be dieing." I say and get up once again to answer the door.

I open the door to see the intruder was none other than my mate.

"Well if I were dieing I'm pretty sure you would be very upset." He says smirking at me. My frown immediately becomes a smile.

"Hey we're have you been?" I say and jump into his arms.

"In my room. Oh by the way, thanks for turning down the noise. I was about to go do it myself, but you beat me to it." He chuckled.

He puts me down and we walk over to my bed.

"So what were you doing in here?" He asked.

"Nothing fun. Just trying to take a nap. But you already know why I'm not asleep right now." I say.

"Well maybe I can help with that." He says and tackles me to the bed. I did nothing but giggle.

I turn over and lay my head on the pillow. Then I feel Xach's arm around my waist. The blanket was pulled over us and all I could feel was bliss. I slowing closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I didn't know where I was or how I ended up there but all I know is that I didn't want to be there.

Black. That was all I could see. I look behind me nothing there too. Then that was when I saw her. I saw Anita holding a crying baby and looking directly at me with hatred visible in her eyes.

"You took my son from me. It's only fair that I take yours don't you think." She finally spoke and began walking away.

That was my child? But that was...... impossible. We had only done it once. But you know what they say, all it takes is one time. But still, she was taking our baby. I don't even know whether it was a boy or a girl. I didn't even have time to pick out a name. I began to move but my legs wouldn't move.

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