The Interrogation

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The numbness in my chest wouldn't go way. My ears were ringing and they wouldn't stop. I felt lightheaded and I stumbled a bit. We were moved to another room away from the party to talk in private. We had "Anita" tied to a chair, is that really even her name, and she wouldn't stop looking at me. I looked away from her and looked at my boyfriend.

"Are you sure this is your mother. I mean, she tried to kill us. She tried to kill you twice. And even if she is your mother I don't want you anywhere around her." I say.

That really caught his attention. He looked at me.

"I would never mistaken my mothers face. She died right in front of me." he said and continued to look at the woman who was looking at me.

"Well I can't say its an honor to meet you since you have tried to kill myself and my loved ones. Mostly your son might I add. So I have a Few questions for you and I seriously hope that you answer them without fail, or attitude, or anything else that I can't think of at the moment since  I am still in utter shock." I stop talking and took a breath.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I ask.

"My name is Alison Carson. I was  married and I had a son. But that's all behind me. I lost it all when I died. Or I'm sorry, when I was murdered. I woke up with no memory of my past. All I new was the name Anita so that was what I named myself. The people who found me taught me to defend myself more ways then one. But I wanted more. More power, more dictation.To pursue the person who killed me. That's when I decided to become a sorceress. I did research and found that it was possible to become one. I read about the three werewolf families and the war that went on for these pendents that granted the ability to shift at will for a werewolf and the power of a sorceress. So I searched for them but by the time I had heard about it, the pendents had been lost long ago. But I kept looking. Then I heard a rumor that half of  one of the pendents was still around but it was hidden. When I found it I absorbed it and became what I am today I killed the one that murdered me, but it wasn't enough. So I searched for another one, that would make me even stronger. I looked in every family until I came across your family, Katherina, and I found out the classified information that nobody but the head of each royal family was suppose to know. That the head of the Lupus family was suppose to inherit and protect the last remaining pendent. So I searched for you. And when I found you I did not expect you to be with my son. But hey, I didn't really care you had something that I wanted and I would have done anything to get it. Including killing my son." She stopped talking. I just stood there to shocked to even say anything. I look over a Xach to see that he was staring at his mother.

"I'm sorry you feel that way about me." He said and left the room.

I bend over and look Anita straight in the eyes.

"I have one thing to say to you and I'm only going to say it once. You can try everything in your power to get this medallion, but I will never let you have it. But if you ever target Xach or anyone else I hold dear. I will personally make sure that you are buried six feet under like you are suppose too. Even if you are Xach's mother." I say and walk away without even giving a second glance.


I sat on my bed then laid on my back and looked at the ceiling. What was I going to do about this. She's Xach's mom. I don't think he could forgive me if I hurt her.

But I wont have a choice if she decides to go after anyone else that I love. I continue to look up at the ceiling. What am I going to do? An explosion goes off and I jumped out of bed. Using my inhuman speed I speed to the source. Should I be surprised that it Anita' s prison cell?

"I'm sorry Miss Katherina she got away." Said one of the guards that was watching her cell.

"How, that thing was enchanted. No one is suppose to be able to get out of there. Could someone please find Xach and bring him to me? I need to know that he is alright." I say and turn toward what was suppose to be Anita' s cell.

"What the hell happened?" Xach said walking toward me and the cell.

"She got away. And now I don't know where she is, nor when she will turn up again. Dammit!" I say and turn and punch the wall. Leaving a gigantic hole in the wall leading to the outside.

"I will find her and I will stop her."

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