
16 1 0

The morning sun and the chirping birds were the the pestering things that woke me up. Tempted to blow up the sun, see that all I need to survive is the moon, and kill every bird in sit, I turn over on Xach's chest.

Then memories of last night flood in. 'I had sex with Xach last night? I gave my virginity to Xach. Xach is my mate for life? And can someone please tell me why I didnt tell him what would happen if we had sex?' My thoughts kept ragging on until they were interrupted by someone whom I thought was asleep.

"Hey are you okay?" I look up to find Xach staring down at me with a worried look on his face.

"Your regreting what we did last night arent you....? Damn it." He sat up and stud up pulling up is pants back toward me.

I pull the sheet around my naked body and pull it into a knot. I stand and hug him from behind.

"You know you should be so quick to jump to conclusions." I say and he turns around.

"I never said that I regret what we did last night, but what Im about to tell you, your probably going to regret it." I say and back way.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"Wolves arent allowed to have sex until there eighteen. The reason for this is because once they have sex, the person they became intimate with will forever be there mate. So......." I cut off.

"Im going to be your mate for the rest of my life. Thats fine with me. I probably wont ever love someone as much as I love you." His word took me back for a minute. I was speechless.

I walk up to him and kiss him as much force as I could muster.

"Im going to go bathe, join me? You've already seen me naked." I say.

"I'd be honored." He says and picks me up bridal style and carries me to the river with a bag of clothes on his back. Like were going to need them.

After Xach and I' s little fun at a nearby lake, we came back to the campsite holding hands. Everyone had woken up and lively.

"Hey! You two seem to be in a good mood!" Lily walked up to us with smiling face and Derek holding her hand. She wiggled her eyebrows in a freaky way alerting me that she knows what we did last night.

"I'm sure you know why." I say and wiggle my eyebrows as well. She walked to the opposite side that Xach was on and and whispered in my ear.

"Break alot of stuff?" She asked. My mouth dropped.

"You are so weird that it will be the death of you." I say and poke her cheek.

"I know, but I'm your weird!" She said. Then I did something that she wasn't expecting, I hug her.

"Thanks for the advice you gave me the other day. It helped a lot and led me to something great. I love you for that." I squeeze her good and tight.

"Hey what are best friends for?" She said returning the embrace.

When we release my hyper hearing kicks in and I hear someone's heartbeat in the woods behind us.

"Everyone I need you to head to the car. Now. And I mean right now." My body began to shift into my second form.

"Run!!!!" I yell and they do, but they don't know why.

Then I hear the heartbeat traveling.

Headed in the same direction as my friends. I sprint with inhuman speed toward the car. Then I hear a scream, most likely Emma.

When I stop at the car I see the guys staring at me in my new form and stunned. The girls were doing something behind them.

"What are you guys doing? I told you to leave!" I revert back to my original form.

"Where is Xach? He has my keys." They just continued to stay into oblivion. Then I smelled something that I shouldn't be smelling. Something that I should have recognized as soon as I walked into the clearing....... Blood.

I walk to the boys and they try to push me back but not before I saw what the girls were doing.

"NO!" I screamed. "No no no no!" I drop to my knees.

"What happened?!" I sobbed.

"She attacked him before flying away. Kat I need you to focus we can help him. I just need you to calm down, I can't concentrate with you crying." Emma had decided to be a doctor freshman year and she has been taking all of the classes necessary to go to med school.

"We need to get him to a hospital." I say and get up from the forest floor.

I swung open the car door and help Derek and Jack gently placed Xach in the back seat of my car. Emma to the wheel with Jack in the passenger seat. Lily and Derek decided to stay at the campsite until we got back. I leveled Xach' s head on my lap as they speed off toward the hospital.

Xach' s POV

It was quiet all I could hear was this constant beeping noise that annoyed the crap out of me. I couldn't open my eyes they were too heavy. My eye lid remained closed. I smelled the thick air around me. I smelled plastic and rubbing alcohol.  Finally able to open my eyes my lids rise.

I blink multiple time to clean out the blurriness. Looking at my legs underneath a thin white blanket that was pulled up to my chest. I sit up causing it to fall into my lap. I then look to my right then looked my left.

There she lay fast asleep holding my hand. I rub my other hand across her cheek to move the loose hair behind her ear. Doing so caused her to stir in her sleep. Waking her. Her eyes landed upon mine and for a second she smiled then she actually woke up ambushing me in questions.

"Oh my God, Xach are ok? Does it hurt? Do I need to call the doctor?" She blabbed.

"Kat! I'm fine, ok? I'm fine, just calm down and take a deep breath." I said and look at her. Her features relaxed and she breathed in and out of her nose.

"Sorry. But are you really ok?" She asked and looked at me with worry in her eyes.

"I'm fine, really. Now what I would like to know is what is going on?" I asked.

"We're in an Inn. The woman in black hit you pretty hard in the head. Gave you a concussion. We've been recuperating here ever since.

"The doctors released you from he hospital two days ago." He whispers.

"Wait, two days ago. How long have I been out?" I ask.

"About a week." She said. I took a deep breath, but that was a mistake, pain shooting through my head causing me to groan. Also causing Kat to jump into her worried expression.

"I'm good. Have you found this mysterious woman yet? Or who she is?" I ask.

"No, but I have a way to find out." She said.

"How?" She reached over to the side table and pulled out a flier.

"One of the Royal Wolf Families is having a Masquerade Ball this weekend. And it'll give you three days to recover." She said.

"What's today?" I asked.

"June 13, Wednesday." She said.

"Where are we going to find clothes for a Masqurade Ball?" I asked.

She stood up from her chair and walked toward the door. "Don't worry, I have my ways........ but I'm going to get this crazy psychotic bitch even if it kills me."

And she walked out the door without another word.

Sorry for taking so long. I've been caught up on my studies and trying to find a job. On top of that I had serious writers block. Hope you enjoy the chapter. And please do give me some ideas for future reference.

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