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I've always hated hospitals. Normally you go in for something, then you come out. That's not the case for everyone. Some people come in and never come out.

I didn't know if this would be the case for my dad. I got a call while I was at the park with Eric and Xach telling me that my father was in the hospital and that I needed to get there immediately and contact my mother.

I walked to the receptions desk. Xach holding my hand Eric in his other arm.

"Hi I'm here to see a patient." I say.

"Name?" She says and smiles at me.

"Michael Lupus." I reply.

"How are you related?" she asks.

"He's my father." I say.

"Ok. Room 35. Walk down the hall toward the elevators, third floor, second door to the right." She gave the instructions and smiled when I said thank you.

I always hated elevators too. Especially the ones with the infinity mirror. It's like I'm watching myself shrink over and over again in a way.

"Hey. You ok?" Xach asks as the elevator starts to rise.

"Yeah. I just hope whatever is wrong with him it isn't serious." I reply.

The doors open and we walk out and toward the second door on the right and I knocked.

"Come in." I hear someone's muffled voice on the other side of the door.

I open it to fine my dad sitting up and reading a book.

"Hey baby girl." He says opening his arms for me. I run over to him and jump into his arms.

"You too little man get over here." I assume he is talking to Eric because soon after the pitter-patter of little feet, Eric was on the bed hugging dad too.

"I leave you alone for a few hours and this goes and happens. I can't take my eyes off you for a second." I tease.

"Its just a mild concussion their going to keep me overnight for observation. I'm ok." He says.

"Really?! That lady that called me made it seem like it was serious or something." I say. Then a throat clears behind me. I look over to see Xach was still in the room.

"Oh I'm sorry. Dad this is my boyfriend Xach. Xach, this is my dad Michael Lupus." I say introducing them.

"Its nice to meet you sir. Kat talks a lot about you and her family." He says holding out his hand to shake.

"What are your intentions worth my daughter boy?!" My father asks giving him a deadly look.

"Ummm." Was all Xach said.

"I'm just kidding Im a sweet man. But I warn you dont break my daughters heart. I know how to use a gun. I'm in the marines son." He says dismissing his smile again.

"Dad stop." I say.

"Ok. It's a pleasure to meet you son." He say.

Xach smirks and nods his head. We decided to wait in the hospital til my mom came. After she arrived and "relieved us of our duty" as she put it. Xach escorted us home.

I put Eric to bed after making him brush his teeth and went back down stairs were Xach was waiting for me.

"I'm sorry. First I dragged you to the hospital then my house." I say.

"Its all good. I have no problem following you." He smirks.

I smirk back and a light blush covers my cheeks.

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